The Design Messengers – LA on FIRE March 2025 | 566 | Designing for Disaster and The Build Back Better Paradox

The recent wildfires have shaken Angelenos to their core and rightly so. I imagine it is not dissimilar from those who have experienced fires in Hawaii, other parts of California or elsewhere. Or those who suffered through hurricanes, floods, wind events or any other major natural disaster. I think this was different.

I’ve shared this story with you but for the sake of those new to the show, I’ll share it again to make a point. That point is that while wildfires in Southern California are not new, nor are earthquakes, floods, or civil unrest. The wildfire is an emerging threat that has taken decades to reach this point but has now reached year round catastrophic status. After spending a week plus watching this unfold from half the country away from Los Angeles, I find myself asking a question that probably isn’t really that original. Why is this happening over and over with very little changed. Fires in Southern California. Hurricanes in Texas and Florida. Tornados in the midwest. Flooding in the mid Atlantic and southern U.S., Because that is the natural way of things in these parts of the country. In Southern California, the Santa Ana winds are nothing new. The manner in which they spread embers is not new.  Droughts in this area are new. Much of this area is a dessert. Always has been. Earthquakes have ALWAYS been a part of the region. The question that I see so many asking is, “why does this keep happening?” For the reasons listed above. And, probably the most important reason, greed and an overwhelming urge by public officials to build more, grow faster… A few statements we should probably retire include, “we’re going to build back better” and “our thoughts and prayers are with the victims.” I believe that everyone would be better off if those who know nothing about a subject would be quiet about it. 

It was 1983, my family was living in the far Southeast corner of Chatsworth in the San Fernando Valley. As far back as you could get without being in the mountains that separated the San Fernando Valley from Simi Valley. We raised horses, Arabians. My sister showed them and I cleaned up after them. It was a crappy deal and the reason I still don’t like horses. It was a Saturday, just came back from a Pop Warner football game. By the time we smelled smoke, it was too late. I had on a pair of board shorts and cowboy boots when I made it down to the barn. Hopped on one horse, had another in tow, my sister had the same and by the time we made it to the gate, the ridge behind our house was on fire. 

My mom drove the f-350 with a four horse trailer to get the more skittish horses out and my dad stayed back to do what he could to save the structures. I rode that horse for 23 hours straight. When it was safe to return, the fire burned right up to the door. But no further. My Dad had several stories from that day, it included the car full of guys that drove up to the driveway and told him they were the owners, there to pick up their belongings. The way my dad told the story, they got out of the car, four of them and started to walk up on him. He drew his .38, informed them that ‘it was his home and he and his 6 friends we going to keep it safe.’ At which time the left.

Later that year, my father removed brush around the perimeter of the house and installed rain birds on the roof of the house and the barn. This was my first experience with anything like that. Sure, earthquakes, I have always be accustomed to those, but fires, floods, that’s different.

We now find ourselves in a state of constant emergency across California and beyond. Fires are no longer seasonal in California, nor are floods. Nor do they happen in places where they have in the past. Natural disasters are showing in the form of fires, floods, cyclones, hurricane, tornado, derecho, like the one I told you about that hit us here in Tulsa in 2023. 

I think most people have mistakenly placed their faith and hope in leaders and politicians to pass legislation and craft an organized response to natural disasters. In California, if you haven’t heard about this yet, you will. Check the show notes for a link showing Mayor Karen Bass getting peppered by a reporter about being out of the country as the fires ravaged Pacific Palisades and surrounding areas as well as cutting 17 million from the annual LA Fire Department budget. The water tanks in the Palisades were reportedly not full and it is really hard to understand how this can happen in a place like Southern California where fires are a regular occurrence.

My point is this. If you put your faith in the fire department to put out a wildfire, they can’t. If you put your faith in the police to prevent crime from impacting your life and those you love, they won’t. I believe in, and appreciate the work of our firefighters and police, I do, full stop. Fire and police are responsive not proactive. They can only react after there is something to react to. And, they are completely at the will of politicians for funding and it’s never enough. Compound this with the insurance companies refusing to write policies in areas that are prone to extreme weather events. Which is different now than it was even 5 years ago. I predict that this insurability trend will not only continue, but accelerate. In line with the acceleration of extreme weather events. I also think this is the next iteration of the residential and commercial architecture and design renaissance that began during the pandemic. Things are changing.

If you want to look to someone for help, to save you and your treasures. To fortify your personal environment. To make you as safe as possible using every proactive tool in their arsenal, someone to future proof your home, look to the designers, architects, landscape architects. Architects evaluate topography, surroundings and elevations. They can predict best paths for water to move away from the structure in cases of flooding, they specify the right materials to best defend against fire, they make structures fortresses against those who might try to break in. Look to landscape architects who will plant the right materials for the present and the future be it drought tolerance or fire resistance. They too can help design exteriors for a safer and a more impenetrable environment. Look to designers to craft spaces that allow for internal safety and comfort. Materials that are less likely to burn and more likely to protect your investment. Check the show notes for a link to an eye opening report from my friends and partner sponsors of the show, TimberTech. It features flame spread and ignition resistance information.

I believe the days of blanket trust in our public officials to effectively protect and serve are over. We should wish those we vote into office the best. Pay our taxes and expect them to do what’s right for the entire community. If I sound jaded, I’m not. I’m optimistic because I know what exceptional designers and architects can do. There are some exceptional products out there that speak directly to issues like this. But I also believe that the next level of luxury, that aspirational state that is hard to define but recognized when seen is the feeling of safety and security. I’m really saddened to see my hometown burned, flooded and looted. Protections, safety and security are an issue of self determination. It’s up to each of us, individually to find the level of protection that makes us feel secure. If that is what you’re looking for, look to a designer or architect.

Let’s understand the economics of this. Perhaps city leaders and elected officials want their names on plaques and “credit” for all their good deeds. Or, maybe they want immortality that comes from building big things. There is probably a combination of things. But civic leaders direct city staffs and direct policy that in many cases includes density ratios, zoning and building policy. I was a commissioner for the city of Manhattan Beach for 6 years. The library commission was responsible for overseeing the Manhattan Beach library branch of the County of Los Angeles. During my 6-year stint, we went from a dilapidated, outmoded branch to the completion of a brand new, modern structure that served the people of Manhattan Beach. I saw first hand the inner workings of a city government that wanted big, beautiful things. What municipality doesn’t. I also witnessed city council members fight the budgetary demands up and until the project was completed and then the elbowed each other and everyone else out of the pictures memorializing the opening of the new library.

This is the Build Back Better paradox. You’re not building back better, but it sounds good. Makes a tight headline. It’s certainly clickable. The idea of building back with the same if not greater density is equal to believing you can beat Mother Nature. You can’t. Believing we are going to become a safer society, we won’t. I was on a ride here in Oklahoma last year, with a friend who was raised here. We passed a large plot of land, it had to be at least 15 acres that I could see. A small neighborhood, with dozens and dozens of raised foundations and nothing more. They clearly had been there for a while. I asked what the story was and he explained to me that they built this particular neighborhood back multiple times after tornados repeatedly tore the area apart. They kept building and tornados kept coming. Sound familiar? But they finally stopped building. As will those in Southern California, at some point in the future. Near or far, who is to say?

Don’t build back better. Build back smarter. You cannot change the climate back, this is not something that will happen in our lifetime. We can only adapt to the changing environment and those who can make this transition successfully are the designers, architects, landscape architects, engineers, futurists and visionaries. No amount of tax revenue in the hands of elected officials will make it happen. 

To those who have lost everything, I’m so sorry. To those in office who continue to allow this to happen. Shame on you, you should be voted out of office in favor of creative people with real, quantifiable solutions. And I hope that happens during the next cycle.

By the time you hear this episode, you will have been inundated with stories and reports of lack of leadership, civic mismanagement, relentless self promotion, politicization of the situation specifically by a out-of-state and feckless politicians who have no understanding of the situation but will still call for holding of emergency funding and the like. What you most likely won’t hear are practical solutions. Good, bad, unfeasible. Doesn’t really matter because what’s missing right now are ideas. Because this is the time of year where most in the media are asking design and architecture talent what the big design trends of 2025 are going to be. It’s absolutely asinine and if you think about it, it’s completely pointless. So here are some of my ideas for rebuilding smarter. These are concepts that I have seen in practice and learned through the conversations you hear on Convo By Design. These are being thrown out as thought starters in the hope that as we move forward, we can build back smarter. Not better, not faster, smarter.

  1. Every home within the high fire risk area should have it’s own water supply. Years ago, you heard from architect Anthony Laney of Laney LA. He was telling you about a swimming pool that disappeared when a raised deck was lifted from the bottom of the pool and again submerged to reveal the pool. I believe every home in these areas should have something of this nature capable of providing the homeowner with at least 5,000 gallons of water available in case of emergency.
  2. I think this same personal aquifer should be connected to both a rain collection system as well as grey water collection, further connected to water the landscape. By doing this, it would serve as rainwater collection, grey water repurposing and be available in case of fire emergency. Years ago, you heard a conversation with the USGBC and Grey Water Corps on the idea of a grey water collection system, which is already available was discussed.
  3. If you find yourself in the midwest, you will see storm shelters. Many homes that don’t have basements have them. They save lives. I have immense respect for firefighters and law enforcement. It’s important to realize that they are not there for prevention, they are there to react. It’s unfortunate because many believe that the police are there to protect you, it says so on their vehicles. It’s a misnomer. Police cannot be everywhere. Nor can they read the minds of criminals. We must protect ourselves. A while back, you heard from I believe there needs be a return to the concrete basement in residential construction, especially in fire prone areas. Yes, we need to consider earthquakes. That is what engineers are for. Across the U.S. in the 1950’s, in reaction to the ratcheting up cold war, bomb and fallout shelters were built under and around homes. These shelters were concrete and built for around $1,000 or so in 1950’s dollars. Many in Southern California fight against “the basement” and I think that should change. With current material and engineering advancements, building a walkout or full basement could address both security and property damage/ theft in cases of fire emergencies. And, in many cases, basements are NOT counted towards a homes square footage when they are completely below grade. I can imagine a basement to secure valuables and provide security during extreme weather event or home invasion. I would like to see the State of California incorporate tax incentives into basement construction. Instead of building more above ground, build below grade which would provide more open spaces and less density above grade. This space could serve as firebreak against spreading flames.
  4. Leave the past in the past. I have been hearing from some in the industry that they want to return the Palisades and Altadena to their former glory in architectural style and detail. And that they want it done quickly. And that the environmental review process needs to be bypassed. These are really terrible ideas. Yes, we need to build back. And we need to re-home those who have lost everything. But if we got into this situation by cutting corners, bypassing safeguards and overbuilding in areas that are not conducive to this amount of development, what do we think will happen. If past is prologue, it’s going to happen again. Not if, but when. Let’s remove the insanely high cost of permitting, remove the layers of bureaucracy. Pause and review the overly stringent codes associated with Title 24 and get back to reasonable and practical building methods. 
  5. Review zoning guidelines. We have overbuilt these communities because with great wealth comes great influence and politicians and city staffs love to increase the tax base. But when there are no resources to serve the community, it ceases to function. We have reached the breaking point in many cases. Do we really need to build lot line to lot line save for mandatory easements? Does a family of 4 or 5 really need a 10,000 square foot home? Show me where that is a right? Or better yet, show some civic responsibility.
  6. Obscure requirements and zoning. In 2020, the IHO went into effect. The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. This states that in LA County, this requires low-income housing units or affordable housing units be required as a percentage of residential housing  units built. Now before all the NIMBY’s praise this and the bleeding heart decry it, can we be honest about this? You can put low income housing in the Pacific Palisades and the low income residents will not have the financial means to afford patronizing local businesses. That hurts business, it puts the low income residents in an unfortunate situation and it hurts the city’s tax base. Instead, look to infill projects in areas that need it. The CA Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (did you even know that existed) refers to California’s “Infill Development” as “building within unused and underutilized lands within existing development patterns, typically but not exclusively in urban areas. Infill development is critical to accommodating growth and redesigning our cities to be environmentally and socially sustainable.” When you look at burn-scarred Southern California and demolished cities, what is the goal? If the goal is to build back “better” which has no real meaning, only to say that it will be built back even bigger, then you are destined for the same results at some point. Or, you can build back smarter. According to , the home’s for sale in Pacific Palisades, CA. range from $290K to $40M. According to ATTOM Data, in Q4 2024, there were 8,960 residential properties in Pacific Palisades, average age was 59 years and the average square footage was 2,977 for a single family residence. There are a number of estimates out there, but USA Today puts the number of homes destroyed in Pacific Palisades at 1,200 with another 200 other structures damaged or destroyed. These 1,200 homes are where real people lived, loved, gathered and where they kept their most cherished belongings. We are talking about this now, and many are going to say it’s too soon. Perhaps, but it’s always too soon, until it’s too late. There will be those who try to come in, scoop up lots and develop big, massive and expensive residential projects. These homes will command big prices and big tax returns for the municipalities and the state. Some will look at combining lots and build back bigger! Others will say there should be a preservation of older styles to match what the city looked like before. I don’t believe you can look back. But you can look forward to building back with purpose, respecting Pacific Palisades and Altadena. 
  7. Thoughtful approach to the future. Some of the easiest ways to approach this now? How about reconfiguration, under grounding of utilities, adding solar installations for residential, commercial and municipal applications? Why not underground fiber while you’re at it? Municipal solar and hydrogen charging stations?  
  8. Community approach to emergent groups. An emergent group is a collective of individuals coming together to address a particular issue. When I was living in Manhattan Beach, California, I was recruited by some of my neighbors to join Neighborhood Watch, later, I became block captain which led to an invitation to join CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team. You have heard the stories of neighbors coming to each others aid in times of disaster or emergency. Traditionally, some communities without an organized police or fire have taken the initiative. But we are living in a more complicated, highly dense community environment and it is time for every community that falls in emergency zones (which is just about everyone) to come together in this type of neighbor to neighbor shared assistance partnership. Most police and fire departments welcome the help and usually, it only takes one person to organize it through the city. Doesn’t even have to be a resident and I believe this is a place for the design community to step up. Design professionals are keenly aware of the local regulations, neighborhood differences and this could be an opportunity to not only increase business, which would be a perk, but to help protect your work and that of other creatives in the process. We will be discussing more about this in the future. 
  9. Manufactured, Fabricated and Modular Stock. This just might be what changes the future of housing. As one might imagine, this manufactured homes got it’s start on wheels, a natural way of adding to new freedoms brought on by the advent of the automobile. Then, kick the wheels off and you have the same mobile coach, but as a stationary dwelling. That led to a period of time when manufactured homes were advancing and addressing housing issues in real time. Just as the tract home created much needed housing units for retiring GI’s after WWII, so did the Manufactured home industry by providing housing in manufactured home communities. Since the very start of the manufactured home industry, this was viewed as affordable and a lower cost of building for those with lower incomes. We have come a long way in construction and manufacturing. Prefabricated vs. stick built, we could probably bring experts in to debate for weeks, but we don’t have the time for that. What we do have are some companies out there prefabricating and assembling on site which is capable of turning traditional construction upside down. Check out a few of these companies: Stillwater Dwellings,  DVELE, Turkel Design. The idea that one could order a prefabricated home, prep the lot and assemble onsite can do a number of things that speak to issues we are trying to address like sustainability, material shortages, out of control costs,  and 
  10. Price of good are going up at a time when the demand for more goods is again on the rise. In 2020-2022, the international and domestic supply chains froze up due to the crush of demand due to the pandemic. From 2022 through 2024 many of the costs came down. But as we enter 2025, the costs are once again on the rise due in part to a number of factors. Brands like Thermador, Bosch and SubZero/ Wolf have already announced price increases between 3 and 8 percent. Other brands are evaluating their price increases as we speak. There are a number of factors to consider as we move cautiously forward. China has been dumping cheap steel which then makes it’s way into U.S. manufacturing and lowers overall manufacturing cost, at the expense of U.S. made steel and others. The Trump administration is cracking down which will increase costs. There is a very real possibility that the immigration crackdown will also affect those who work on and assemble appliances. That will cause cost increase and a lack of individuals to do the work. This will most likely create a shortage of finished appliances. This in turn will create emergency pricing and delays. Tarfiffs aren’t new, you know that. But did you know that the Biden administration bumped Canadian lumber tariffs to 14.5%? An article from showcased a number of ways tariffs and will continue to affect costs to American purchasers. If this continues as it is likely to do, these costs will continue to rise. This creates a very uncomfortable situation for the design/ build professionals who are going to be tapped with the responsibility of designing and building the homes that not only replace the ones lost in this disaster, but all of the homes not yet destroyed in future disasters. The way we specify, purchase, deliver and install building materials has to change. The supply chain needs to be condensed, organized and strategic. In California, the first Franciscan mission was built in 1796 and a total of 21 were constructed between 1796 and 1833. They were constructed about 30 miles apart for a relatively easy one day journey between each. These outposts needed to be self sufficient. If industry specific supply chains were built in this manner, delivery estimates would be precise, delivery costs would drop, it would be environmentally responsible by cutting the amount of miles product is transported, it could increase local jobs and spur localized product assembly. This is already happening, Amazon has already learned this lesson and you can see these massive fulfillment centers from space. In California alone, there are over 35 current or planned centers for product distribution. This is a longterm objective but one that needs to happen. In the meantime, what would happen if designers were hired sooner, plans approved faster and product could be specified and ordered sooner. What if materials could be staged locally. Ready and waiting for crews to begin work. This would expedite the design build process exponentially, and I predict that it would lower costs significantly. It’s like getting your designer paid for through efficiency offsets.
  11. Front Running Vs. Specify-As-You-Go: If we have learned nothing from the great toilet paper shop
  12. Expect Exceptionalism. I don’t mean this in the way you hear about it constantly used in political rhetoric. I mean it as stated. Seek exceptionalism in the products and services you purchase both those in the trade and clients alike. Designers really should stop this endless fascination with the pursuit of “trend”, celebrity design and whatever the latest “influencer” is peddling on anti-social media. Designers are professionals who specialize in design. Many designers hold degrees in this, all architects do as well. Landscape architects possess an understanding of what goes where and what it should look like over time. Product manufacturers absorb the cost for research and development to produce a product that the market can then choose, or not. But buying things based on number of followers, not the success of your project.

I am so sorry everyone that has been affected by this tragedy. I hope the recovery is seamless and easy. I hope this never happens again. Let’s be thoughtful in the way we build back by looking to the design professionals first, making our elected leaders earn their jobs by thinking of their constituents first, respecting the true value of fire fighters and law enforcement by looking inward to protect our homes smartly. Let’s return to an era of innovation through new materials and design experience. If we can eliminate the waste, greed and mismanagement, this presents an exceptional opportunity to not only regain former glory, but establish the new paradigm for what a well design, well run fully functional city looks like. If we can do that, were in a good place and who doesn’t want that. -CXD

Adam Hunter | 555 | Our January 2025 Convo By Design Icon Registry Inductee

As hard as it is to believe, this is our second year recognizing amazing creatives and enshrining them in the Convo By Design Icon Registry. This month’s inductee is the incomparably talented, multi-hyphenate creative, Adam Hunter It’s almost not fair just how talented Adam is. But it didn’t come easy, it only looks that way.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

In addition to being an extraordinary talent as designer, he has sharpened his skills in business whereby taking his talent and moulding it around his eponymous firm. As if that wasn’t enough, Adam started out in theater. From Les Mis to Dreamgirls, Adam’s experience in the theater has no doubt led to his ability to seek drama in design and play with materials to achieve the feeling, mood and scene he seeks. Adam described one of his recent projects as, “the perfect collision of contrasts.” I think that perfectly describes Adam as well. When you explore his work, you find fantasy, aspirational spaces, many of which push and pull to create balance simultaneously, perfectly balanced. Just like Adam who is both the dazzling performer and consummate professional making sure each mark hi hit and punching the important lines just right. Please don’t just take my word for it. Check the show notes and find links to his work and keep listening and hear so you can both see and hear for yourself. Adam Hunter, the January 2024 Convo By Design Icon Registry inductee. 

Congratulations Adam on your enshrinement into the Convo By Design Icon Registry and the extraordinary studio you created. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and sharing your story. Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales and Monogram for your dedication to making our industry better, faster, stronger! And thank you for listening to Convo By Design each week and sharing the show with your colleagues and friends who love sublime design. Until the next episode, be well, stay focused And rise above the chaos. -CXD

A Day of Creative Conversations featuring Women in Essential and Luxury Design from Around the U.S. | 524 | LIVE from Design Hardware in LA, May 2024

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a group of exceptional designers from our Day of Design gathering in Los Angeles in May 2024.

I think designers and architects provide a service that simply cannot be measured in terms of dollars and cents. Especially in an era of fast content, social media perspective that creates a social dysmorphia. We have all become so inextricably tied to the internet and social media that it is truly difficult to differentiate reality form make believe. The following conversations feature designers who met me at Design Hardware in LA for a day of creative thinking and sharing of dynamic design ideas that are shaping the way we design in 2024. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

I have found that f you gather creative types and provide the platform for them to showcase their individual approach to the work, some universal concepts begin to form and you have the opportunity to see what really makes these people special. The reason skilled designers can do what they do is because they possess the ability to silence the noise and focus in on true needs and desires of their clients. This is how they do it.

Letecia Ellis Haywood

Alina Wolhardt

Susie Novak

Mary Patton

Lauren Martin Moro

So much fun, right? Thank you, Lauren, Amy, Letecia, Alina, Mary, Susie. It was not my intent, but this turned out to be an amazing showcase of women designers who are setting the tone for the next phase of our design renaissance! Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I enjoyed our conversation and cannot wait to see what you do next. Thank you to my partner sponsors, ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware. These partners are amazing companies all who have made a concerted effort to support the design community through education, incentives, events, media and exposure, not to mention a collection of extraordinary products and service to match. Check the show notes for links to each of them so you can see first hand how they can make your design business thrive and your projects exceed expectations. Thank you for listening, downloading, subscribing and sharing the show with your friends and colleagues. Thank you for your emails, show and guest suggestions. Please keep them coming, convobydesign at Outlook dot com and on Instagram @ConvoXdesign, with an “x”.  Until the next episode, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design

Erin Ellwood | 515 | Fame, Architecture, Design and That Which is Truly Important

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation about fame, design, architecture and that which is truly important. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

I sought out Erin after learning about her father, Craig Ellwood, architect behind the Zimmerman House. Said house was recently demolished at the hands of actor, Chris Pratt and his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger. We’ve talked about this already in a previous episode and the following conversation isn’t about saving iconic design. We touch on the subject but this is really about Erin’s journey, of which her father’s architecture is a large part. As is the work of her mother, Gloria Henry. An actress with an incredible career spanning from 1947 through appearances on Parks and Recreation as recently as 2012. Which featured, yep… Chris Pratt, so it all comes full circle. Erin’s story is an amazing journey of self discovery and expression. Lessons learned and applied. And you are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you, Erin. Thank you for the time and sharing your extraordinary journey. If you are a bit surprised that Erin is not mad about the Zimmerman House destruction, I was too. That is until I heard her rationale, then I understood.  Thank you to my amazing partner sponsors, ThermaSol, Design Hardware, TimberTech, pacific Sales and Monogram. Your support for the design industry is strong and lasting. For that I thank you. And thank you for taking the time out of your busy day. Thank you for listening, downloading and sharing the show. And for your emails to convo by design at outlook dot com and following along on IG @convoXdesign, with an “X”.

I’m looking forward to next week and another story about sublime design. Until then, be well, and take today first. -CXD

Imbued Values and the Hand of the Architect: Thee Multicultural Approach to Modern Architecture | 494 | Mathew Chaney, FAIA and Bryn Garrett, AIA of EYRC Architects

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design. When I first started the podcast, a long time ago… It all started as an experience. I love design and architecture, I always have. I recently realized that if I had taken the time spent doing the show and went back to school, I could have become an architect. I say that tongue firmly planted in cheek. Not because I wouldn’t LOVE to be an architect, designer or set decorator. But, because had I done that, I wouldn’t be able to do this. This is what I love to do. I find extraordinary joy in speaking with the creatives whom I admire, exploring their journeys, telling their stories and engaging with you. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Joining me on the show today is Mathew Chaney, FAIA and Bryn Garrett, AIA with EYRC Architects. To be completely frank with you, there are a few firms of which I feel like an honorary member. EYRC is one of them. I have spoken and shared time with Takashi Yanai, FAIA over the years, the “Y” in EYRC, I spent an amazing afternoon with Steven Ehrlich, FAIA, the “E” while in Palm Springs covering the Ridge Mountain project during Modernism Week in, errrr 2017 maybe. I have recorded virtually with them, live from their offices in Los Angeles, live from Rancho Mirage at a project house. I feel close to this firm. It’s only a matter of time before we hear from the “R”, Patricia Rhee, FAIA, it’s coming. But today, we have the “C”, Mathew Chaney as well as Bryn Garrett, both partners in EYRC Architects. Bryn most recently could be heard on a WestEdge Wednesday episode of Convo By Design from his participation on a panel at WestEdge about the current state of residential architecture. 

Mathew and Bryn join me on the show to talk about a number of things architecture and design related. And I am absolutely thrilled to share this conversation with you.

Thank you Mathew and Bryn for your time, talent and willingness to share. I love these conversations. I love sharing them with you. Please continue to email me with your guest and show suggestions. Convo by and reach out via Instagram, @ConvoXDesign with an “X”.

Thank you to Convo By Design partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Design Hardware. For more information about and links to these incredible companies and to learn more about their products, please check the show notes.

For more stories like these from the design community, please make sure you are subscribing to the podcast, so you receive new episodes automatically when they are published. That way, you never miss an episode. Convo By Design is available everywhere you find your favorite podcasts. Thanks for listening, until next week, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design

Exploring the Architectural Identity of Los Angeles: Do Cities Define the Types of Architecture or is it the Other Way Around | 491 | KFA Architecture

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design. Today, we’re heading to Los Angeles for a conversation with Jaime Olmos and Lise Bornstein of KFA Architecture. We talked, in depth about exploring LA’s identity, preservation and the nature of design in LA, the multi-node structure of this incredible cluster of cities, rediscovering LA’s iconic architectural treasures and so much more.

You knowI love LA. It’s home. It’s not the same as it was when I grew up as a teen in the San Fernando Valley in the 1980’s. The best place in the world to be, at that time. But it’s not the same. I’m not hating, but I feel like LA is on the verge of a renaissance. And it all starts with the designers because what they design are the postcards that announce LA’s future return to glory. It starts with honoring the past, and respecting it as you plan for the future. And it all starts with conversations like these. Of note, I have 2 new sponsor partners joining the show. I could not be happier or more pleased to welcome Pacific Sales, A Best Buy Company and TimberTech to the Convo By Design family. These are amazing brands and you are going to have numerous opportunities to interact directly with them over the next weeks and months ahead so stay tuned for those announcements.

If you want to take a deep dive, this episode has a powerful AI generated synopsis of the whole conversation which you can find in the show notes. We are going to hear from Lise and Jaime, right after this.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Thank you Lise and Jaime for your time, talent and willingness to share. I love these conversations. I love sharing them with you. Please continue to email me with your guest and show suggestions. Convo by and reach out via Instagram, @ConvoXDesign with an “X”.

Thank you to Convo By Design partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Design Hardware. For more information about and links to these incredible companies and to learn more about their products, please check the show notes.

For more stories like these from the design community, please make sure you are subscribing to the podcast, so you receive new episodes automatically when they are published. That way, you never miss an episode. Convo By Design is available everywhere you find your favorite podcasts. Thanks for listening, until next week, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design

KFA Architecture Summary

Exploring Los Angeles Identity

Lise and Josh had a conversation about their experiences living in Los Angeles, with Lise being a native of the East Coast. They both expressed their appreciation for Los Angeles’ willingness to reinvent itself and its freedom from traditional norms. Jaime, who was born and raised in Los Angeles, shared their ongoing exploration of what Los Angeles means, including its indigenous architecture. The conversation ended on a note about building and restoring communities in Los Angeles.

Architecture, Design, and Preservation in Southern California

Jaime and Josh discussed architecture and design in Southern California, with a focus on the balance between new and historic structures. They highlighted the unique character of LA’s mid-century modernism and the importance of preserving historical buildings. Josh also raised questions about the role of architects in shaping the future of their designs, given the long lifespan of buildings. Lise added that the context and story of a building, as well as its connection to the community, can contribute to its historical significance. The conversation concluded without a clear resolution on the criteria for determining what makes a building historically significant.

Los Angeles Architecture Evolution Discussion

Josh initiated a discussion about the evolution of Los Angeles and its architecture. They asked Lise and Jaime about their perspectives on the city’s transformation, especially since they both have ties to the area. Lise shared their experience of moving to Los Angeles and their initial impression of the city’s car-centric culture and lack of greenery. However, over the years, they have grown to appreciate the city’s potential for community building and the role of architecture in creating humane spaces. Jaime, a native Angelino, also shared their experiences and impressions of the city.

LA’s Cultural Fusion and Multi-Node Structure

Jaime and Josh discussed the unique character of Los Angeles, emphasizing its cultural fusion and the potential of its multi-node structure. Jaime highlighted the redevelopment of downtown and the appreciation of historic buildings. Josh shared their experiences growing up in the San Fernando Valley and their appreciation for art and architecture in LA. They also discussed the triforium, a unique piece of art in downtown LA. Towards the end, Josh asked Jaime about the verticals within their firm, including schools, commercial, industrial, residential, and historical projects. Jaime clarified their study background and shared their experience at Pomona College.

Rediscovering LA’s Architecture and Design

Jaime discussed the rediscovery of Los Angeles’ architecture and design through the lens of national parks, highlighting the repurposing of older buildings such as the 2121 Lofts in the Arts District. Jaime also discussed the transformation of the Arts District and the LA River, and how these changes have affected the city’s urban fabric. Lise then shifted the conversation towards the history of LA, noting the presence of old industrial buildings, and the city’s willingness to embrace new and different ideas. They also touched upon the tension and potential for false nostalgia when discussing the historic and new pieces of the city’s architecture.

Architectural Design and Disneyland’s Influence

Lise and Josh discussed the importance of architectural design in relation to historical context and the influence of Disneyland on the architectural innovation in Southern California. Lise emphasized the need to design in a Spanish colonial or mission style, which is often requested due to its familiarity. They also mentioned the challenge of incorporating this style into larger, modern buildings. Lise shared their experience with the Hayworth House in West Hollywood, where the building was transformed into senior housing. They highlighted the importance of creating a community feel by adding a front porch and a garden. Josh then shifted the conversation towards the future, expressing interest in discussing where architecture is headed.

Architectural Safety and Community Interactions Post-Pandemic

Josh and Lise discussed the shift in architectural preferences due to the pandemic, with a focus on safety, security, and privacy. They agreed that safety and security are always important, particularly in urban areas, and that learning from past design practices can guide future improvements. Lise highlighted the need for creating safe and secure spaces in cities, emphasizing the importance of visual connections and community interactions. Jaime agreed, noting that their firm aims to provide safety without disconnecting from the community, and shared about the challenges faced by individuals who have been homeless and recently moved into their first permanent home. They highlighted the need for relearning basic self-care skills and the potential for a wide range of reactions to this transition.

Designing Community Wellness in Market Rate Housing

Jaime, Lise, and Josh discussed the potential of architectural elements in creating community and fostering wellness in market rate housing. Jaime emphasized the potential of stairs and walkways, while Lise mentioned the success of opening up stairs for a health and wellness aspect. Josh shared their personal experience in Tulsa, where a community-focused design led to successful social interactions. Jaime and Lise also discussed the future of design, highlighting the increasing value of human connection due to artificial intelligence, the trend towards natural materials, and the need for places that foster meaningful connections. They also touched upon the potential densification of LA, particularly around existing metro lines, and the growing importance of outdoor space and greenery.

Sustainability and Innovation in Los Angeles

Lise and Josh discussed the growing importance of sustainability, with Lise emphasizing that it is a basic human right. They highlighted the potential of Los Angeles as a testing ground for innovative solutions. Lise shared their experience with lead certified design and the role of government mandates in driving innovation. Josh discussed a previous project involving a unique drone pad in the Hollywood Hills and the potential for autonomous drones to revolutionize transportation in LA. The conversation concluded with a consensus on the exciting opportunities and challenges awaiting the industry in the coming decade.

Seamless Storytelling Through Spectacular Design | 471 | Anne Michaelsen

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation about creativity and seamless storytelling in design. What is that all about. Stick around.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

The Oasis Alliance – Providing design to those in need.

Anne Michaelsen and I first met at the apex of the pandemic. I went and shot her project in Newport Beach, California. One of the things that immediately struck me when I first walked in was just that, the seamlessness in the storytelling as told by the design. The home sat on a plateau overlooking the Pacific Ocean with zones from outdoor cooking to one of the most amazing sunken fire pits I have ever seen. Everything had its place and was connected to each other zone for an easy and meaningful transition to the next space. Most writers, journalists and others who cover the industry don’t speak enough or at all about the negative spaces that connect the feature areas. How the transitions add to the overall aesthetic, movement and functionality for the work. I love that part of the work and Anne is an absolute master in this regard. Enjoy my conversation with designer and visionary, Anne Michaelsen.

Thank you Anne for taking the time to talk. This is why I love doing this and why it is so rewarding for me to share these stories with you.Thank you to my partners and sponsors, ThermaSol, Design Hardware and Moya Living for your continued and unwavering support of the show and for the design community.

For more stories like these from the design community, please make sure you are subscribing to the podcast, so you receive new episodes automatically when they are published. That way, you never miss an episode. Convo By Design is available everywhere you find your favorite podcasts. Thanks for listening, until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

Under Construction; Building Communities with Purpose | 469 | WestEdge Wednesday No. Two

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with another installment of Convo By Design presents WestEdge Wednesday, a look back at all of the incredible programming from the 2023 edition of the WestEdge Design Fair. These conversations were held live on the stage crafted by Marbe Designs and presented by BR Home. This conversation is entitled, Under Construction, Building Communities with Purpose. This chat features Actor, producer and author, Malinda Williams, entrepreneur Kynderly Haskins, University of Southern California’s Lauren Dandridge and designer and founder of Blackbird House, Bridgid Coulter Cheadle. This talk focuses on the building of actual communities through a co-working and event venue called Blackbird House in Culver City, California. This space was created to provide a safe and welcoming space for women of color and allies as they say, “to create positive change by providing safe space for collaboration both virtually and in-person.” But, there’s more to it. The why, how and how can concepts like these can both enhance the quality of work and quality of life simultaneously. Thank you for listening to this episode of the podcast. For more, please make sure you are subscribing to the feed and check our IG often for new conversations. This chat was amazing and was held live on the stage designed by Marbe Designs and presented by BR Home.

For those not familiar …   The Banana Republic lifestyle brand portfolio is known for delivering timeless ready-to-wear styles, and BR Home signals the brand’s transformation into a leading destination for the modern explorer.  Expanding across living room, bedroom and dining room furniture as well as lighting, bedding, and home décor, BR Home showcases materials and craftsmanship from around the world, showcasing signature design details, warm, textural layers, natural materials and traditional production techniques.

For links to everything associated with this conversation, please check the podcast episode notes accessible from the “podcast” tab from Convo By Design. Thanks for watching and listening, here’s Bridgid.

The Gratitude You Deserve | 463 | Putting A Bow on 2023

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design. I have no interview to share with you today. No spectacular chat about design, no upcoming promotion, no BOOKLOOK, nope. Just two simple words followed by a few more to expand on the thought. Thank you. 

Thank you for taking the time to listen to the show, email me with guest suggestions and show ideas. Thank you for coming out to Convo By Design events, watching and liking the silly videos on IG, subscribing to the show and for supporting the sponsors of the show.

Speaking of which, thank you to my partners and sponsors, ThermaSol, Moya Living and Design Hardware. Your support of the show is what allows me and our editorial team to do this. Your support of the design and architecture community is special and I’m thankful for you.

Thank you to the guests who take the time to share a bit of themselves, their skill and that special something that has catapulted them to the levels at which we find them. Thank you to Soho Home in West Hollywood for serving as the location for our 10th anniversary celebration. 10 years. Cannot believe I have been doing this show for that long. Like any success, nobody does it alone. No one. We all have help form friends as well as the generosity of strangers. I have never met most of you who listen to the show. But you listen, and I’m thankful. I have met a number of listeners at events where I attend and speak. This year alone, Las Vegas Market, KBIS, West Hollywood Design District, ASID Orange County, the A&D Building in New York, Dallas Market Center and WestEdge Design Fair. To all my publicist friends, thank you for trusting me with your clients. To the brands I work with, thank you for trusting me with your messaging and content production. To the designers and architects with whom I have spoken this year and the previous years, thank you for making the time to tell your stories on the show. 

To all of you within the sound of my voice, thank you and I hope this holiday season is everything you want it to be. I hope you get the chance to slow down a bit, maybe even stop for a few days, spend time with friends and loved ones because at the end of the day, that’s what is really important. Well, I promised short. Happy holidays. Be well and until we meet back here, next year, take today first. – CXD

Change is Constant. Adapting to Your Creative Vision | 462 | Elisa Baran + A New BOOKLOOK feat. Homes By Byrd

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design and in this episode of the podcast, you are going to hear from designer, Elisa Baran. Baran and her eponymous bi-coastal firm are responsible for some interesting new looks. She has a very unique perspective on materiality, and the meaning of perfection in her work. Part of this includes application of wabi-sabi and brutalism in her otherwise softer and muted work for what is truly a unique new look, one that I believe will gain traction as Elisa garners more attention.

Before we get to my chat with Baran, it’s time for another BOOKLOOK segment of the show featuring; Homes By Byrd, The Art and Architecture of Robert Byrd and His Son Gary, a new offering by Chris Lukather showcasing the work of Robert Byrd and his son Gary, as the title suggests. This book is an amazingly fun trot down memory lane for people like me who grew up in SoCal and love architecture. Byrd rose to prominence at a time when one could perform the work of an architect without actually being a licensed architect. For those of you who listened to the tragic story of 1001 North Roxbury. In that situation, not Byrd, but Carlton L. Burgess designed a world-class home despite not being a licensed architect. 

I wonder if he had been licensed, if that might have dampened his creative approach to residential design? First Robert Byrd and then later, work by his son, Gary represent some of the most identifiable architecture of the San Fernando Valley. The whimsical approach to residential design with flagstone patios, leaded glass windows, fun and fanciful brickwork, shingles and forever views of pools, canyons, yards and open spaces. Low slung walls with rooflines that seemingly extend off cliffs. Turret-like chimneys, all lend to the feeling of the San Fernando Valley from the perspective of a young-Angeleno with a passion for architecture and design. I grew up in a home similar to this and if you are not from LA, though Byrd and his son, Gary did work in other states, this is a SoCal design story. But, the great part is, you don’t need to be from LA to appreciate the Byrds’ work. And it’s right her in this book from Lukather, to view, peruse, learn about and enjoy. The book is called, Homes By Byrd: The Art & Architecture of Robert Byrd and His Son Gary. Check the show notes for a link to buy.

As we explore Elisa Baran’s work, follow along here.

Thank you, Elisa. I am so happy that we finally met and had the opportunity to talk. Thank you for taking the time to share your story and thank you for the work you’re doing. Thank you to my partners and sponsors ThermaSol, Moya Living and Design Hardware for your partnership and support.And, thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to the show. I hope this allows you to think about things in new ways. 

As we put a bow on 2023, there are a few things you should know. I have some really fun, productive and exciting new programming for you in 2024. It includes The Design Messengers, a brand new Monday episode that will cover issues, news, developments and ideas for you to grow your design business. I stopped covering the business of design a few years ago as there was a flood of new podcasts that were covering the business of home and design. That’s not what The Design Messengers is, instead of business tips, this is going to be a synopsized, high level view of new concepts, economic developments, technological advancements and other ideas that I think will help you launch into your week. These episodes will drop on select Mondays. Sometimes, every Monday, sometimes not. But, as long as you are subscribing to the podcast, you will receive them automatically in your feed. 

I will also be publishing a new series called WestEdge Wednesday. These will feature the conversations that took place live from the WestEdge Design Fair in Santa Monica, California. If you missed the show, you can hear all the talks as if you were there in person.

I also have two additional new series that will be published to the feed. Throwback Thursdays featuring some of your favorite design talent that have appeared on the show over the past 11 years and Drinking About Design, a Friday series where I get together virtually with fun and amazing design and architecture talent and we uncover stories from the world of design while getting a little loose. I think you are going to really love these and hey, if you are so inclined, plan on listening to the show on a Friday afternoon with a pop or two of your own. It’ll be a thing.

Please keep those emails coming. Convo by design @ with show suggestions, guest ideas, just to say ‘hello’ .Thanks again, and until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD