Exceptional Design And Knowledge From A Previous Career, Long Live the Pivot | 565 | Allison Handler of Allison Handler Design

The expectations many designers have don’t necessarily result once their careers begin. Often times, designers find their way into the business by starting in another field. And that makes for an interesting journey. I remember being in college and thinking about all of the things I wanted to do once I started my career. If you would have asked me during my time at Washington State University what I was going to be doing in 2025, this would not have been anywhere in the conversation. But I really cannot imagine myself doing anything else. And I’ve been doing this since 2013. Prior to that, I had a first career in radio and broadcast media. Funny how life works, isn’t it. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

I have a unique process of writing and prepping for the conversations you hear on the show. I have the types of conversations with creatives that I want to have with them. Meaning, I find your in discovering what makes designers, artists, makers, architects and creatives work. What drives them to do what they do and what inspires them to reach the high levels they have achieved. Many of the conversations you hear on the show start with, “so, what are we talking about today” or you simply hear my response to that question in a cold open. I don’t edit that out, nor do I edit the chats we have because I want you to hear the stream of consciousness. What you don’t know is the amount of prep I do for each conversation. As a matter of fact, the guests you hear don’t see that either. I decided to model this show on the conversations that I have at trade events. The individual interactions that take place that make the trade events so truly special. You cannot recreate the vibe, I know that. But, I want you to feel like you are in Vegas, LA or Paris at KBIS, WestEdge or Maison y Objet, with a cocktail in your hand and listening in on a conversation between two peers and know that what you are about to hear is going to enrich you in some special way. Perhaps its hearing how someone else built their practice. Maybe it’s what discovery led them to design the way they do or even how their previous career led them to where they are today. To inspire you to perhaps pivot, reorganize your firm or employ a new technique. Because that’s fun. It’s inspiring. It’s motivating. And who couldn’t use a little more of that. Well, I hope you can because that’s what your getting today as you listen in on my chat with New Jersey designer, Allison Handler of Allison Handler Design.

Thank you Allison, loved our chat and appreciate the time.

Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales, Monogram and Design Hardware. Amazing companies and great friends to the trade so please give them an opportunity for your next project. And, thank you for listening, subscribing the show and sharing with your colleagues. If not already subscribing, please consider that so you receive every new episode automatically to your podcast feed. Until next week, thank you for sharing this time together, until the next episode, be well, stay focused and now that it has arrived in earnest, try to rise above the chaos. – CXD

How Exceptional Design is Like Long Distance Running or Any Great Achievement | 551 | Holly Hollenbeck

Over the years, I have spoken with many clients who really don’t understand the process behind design. I think there are many beginner and mid-level designers that don’t fully understand process, means and methods. If a client wants their projects completed quickly, they can always find a designer who will do it for them. It’s their replacement who has to pick up the pieces. I can hear many of you nodding in agreement as I say this. It’s the journey, like that of a runner. You don’t decide to run a marathon, buy a pair of shoes and run it. There is a process. A very long and challenging process. The same is true when trying to become the best at what you do in any endeavor. Just like design.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Today, you are going to hear from Holly Hollenbeck. Holly and I discussed the parallels between long-distance running and project management. Holly, an experienced ultra-distance runner, shared her lessons learned from participating in challenging races, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning, determination, and experience. She also highlighted how these experiences have influenced her approach to project strategy and risk management. 

Holly shares some of the challenges she faced in her design and client management roles due to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic fluctuations. She emphasized the importance of clear communication with clients, setting expectations upfront, and being flexible to pivot when necessary. We also discussed the differences in real estate design and mentality between the United States, Europe, and Asia, with a focus on the concept of the ancestral home and the shift towards renovating existing homes rather than moving due to high housing costs. There is an overwhelming need to adapt to constantly changing market conditions and client needs.

Holly shares her experience of having her kitchen design featured on the cover of California Home and Design in 2007, which she attributed to serendipity and connections with friends. Holly and I discussed the pitfalls of designing homes based on current trends, emphasizing the importance of creating cohesive, functional spaces rather than focusing on individual, trendy elements. They highlighted the risk of a design becoming outdated and the need to balance trendy elements with timeless pieces. Holly shared her approach to navigating clients’ desires for trendy features by ensuring these elements are used in unique and personalized ways. And you are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you Holly, loved our chat. Keep on truckin.

Thank you to my incredible partner/ sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech for your support for the show and the industry as a whole. We are a stronger because of industry partners like you. And of course, thank you for listening to the podcast, subscribing to the show and sharing it with friends and colleagues. Please keep the show and guest suggestions coming, I do appreciate them and do my best to respond to every one.  Convo By Design @ Outlook dot com and on Instagram, convoXDesign, with an “X”.  Thanks again for listening. Happy New Year, make this the year you’ve been hoping it would be. Until the next episode, Stay focused and above the chaos.

The Brownstone Boys | 547 | Our December 2024 Convo By Design Icon Registry Inductees

The Convo By Design Icon Registry inductees this month are Jordan Slocum and Barry Bordelon AKA the Brownstone Boys. They appeared on the show around 2020. I feel strongly about historical preservation and I cannot think of anyone who does this as authentically as Jordon and Barry. Neither were born in Brooklyn, but they found themselves there with a passion for design and a love of brownstones. Their authenticity with regard to the work is inescapable and their sole focus on the mission of restoring old brownstones is what I think makes them so unique. This is not a flavor-of-the-month activity to become socially relevant. They started their passion project first, turned it into a business and the fame followed, as did more projects, book deals and all the other fun stuff designers  want as part of their professional portfolio. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

The other aspect to their work that I find so wonderful is their approach to each project. Not recreating it in the original form of the architect but reimagining it and keeping the essence of the work, historical reference but also reimagining it to fit seamlessly into the neighborhood with all the modern amenities one would hope for without shoe-horning it it. It flows effortlessly into each completed project. Allowing those who love brownstones to enjoy this as well as allowing the architectural purist to appreciate the workmanship and creative approach to a revitalized building.

Please enjoy an encore airing of that first conversation with Barry and Jordan, our December 2024 inductees to the Convo By Design Icon Registry, the Brownstone Boys.

Thank you Barry and Jordan for appearing on the show, creating such beautiful reimagined spaces and respecting the original work as you do. Thank you to my wonderful partner sponsors; ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, Design Hardware, TimberTech and Monogram for your continued support and thank you for taking the time to listen to the show and sharing it with your friends, family and colleagues. Until next time, be well and take today first.

Drinking About Design | 543 | Argentina’s Architectural Impact and Venetian Chimney’s with Glenda Flaim and Federico Engel of Butler Armsden Architects

I just thought since this is the Friday after Thanksgiving, almost everyone is home, eating, drinking and enjoying time with family, I would give you an opportunity to slip away for an hour or so for some alone time. You’re welcome. This is another installment of Drinking About Design. This episode features Butler Armsden leadership team or Glenda Flaim and Federico Engel. We are talking about some really obscure topics, drinking while we do it and I hope you enjoy it.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Fernando Engel is sharing stories about his homeland, Argentina, as well as the Capanopolis, and Francisco Salamone and Glenda will be sharing her thoughts on Venetian Chimneys. Never heard of Venetian chimneys? Well it’s a story on invention. As the proverb goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” And that perfectly describes Venetian chimneys. Think about fire suppression in overcrowded cities, adding ornate design. Cool right, now date them back to the 13th century. Ideas in technological spark arresting and fire suppression. We’re going to get right to this. Special thanks to Glenda and Federico from Butler Armsden for joining me and for my incredible partner sponsors; Pacific Sales, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware for making it possible and allowing me to share these stories with you. With that, I give you another installation of Drinking About Design.

That was so much fun. Thank you Federico and Glenda, so appreciate the storytelling and the time. Thank you to my partner sponsors ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sale, Monogram and Design Hardware for your continued support and thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to join me for these conversations. This was a fun one, right? There are more episodes of Drinking About Design in 2025 so subscribe to the podcast and get every episode, brand new, right to your feed. Until next week. Happy Thanksgiving, Be well, and take today first. -CXD

Thankful | 542 | You Take the Good, Take the Bad, Take the Rest and There You Have… an Amazing Year… Or something Like That

This podcast, started in 2013, now 11 years running. I wanted to break from the usual conversations to share some thoughts on gratitude and optimism. To share some updates and thank those who have participated in this exceptional run.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

The production of this episode coincides with Thanksgiving, intentionally. This is the time of year when most design professionals and clients alike tend to shut things down for the year. Kids come home from school for the Winter break, family comes to visit, we buy gifts for loved ones, attend holiday parties and I like to think that I am not alone in looking at the past year reflectively while looking to the new year with renewed optimism. 2024 was a fantastic year with regard to the show. Convo By Design has hit a higher gear this year. Going back to by background in motorsports, that means we have opened up new opportunities and are running faster and harder than ever before. The post-pandemic world is different that it was prior. Some issues have emerged this year that I find disturbing. Natural disasters, climate change, weather patterns have all accelerated. It isn’t really about if people believe or remain climate change deniers. Ignore these changes at your peril. I experienced something in 2023 that forever changed the way I feel about climate changes. Father’s Day, 2023, there was a straight line wind event in Tulsa. 100 mile per hour winds for 30-minutes. You can imagine the destruction. My family was fine, but others were not as fortunate. As I write this, a series of hurricanes passed through the southeast and the devastation was tremendous. We are also saw a dock workers strike, a fierce election season which will once again separate families and end friendships. And as I say this, I cannot help but feel optimistic for the year to come. Why? I’ll tell you, rights after this.

Why the optimism? First, I have been incredibly fortunate. I have my family, my health, you… yes you, I am so thankful that you listen, even happier when you send an email to let me know you like the show, disagree with something I said or have a guest suggestion. I also have a roster of incredible partner sponsors. Patrick, Nick, Mitch, Rachael and Jari from ThermaSol. Dan, Jay, Sam from TimberTech. Shaun and Verzine from Pacific Sales as well as the amazing team at Monogram. Michele, Avi, Stassi and Jaime from Design Hardware. Then there are the incredible creatives who share their stories and their work with us, you and me every week on the show.

2024 has brought some new endeavors, exciting changes and portends great things to come. But tread cautiously. I’ll get to that in a moment. First, the new developments. I learned early on in my radio career that the only thing you can really count on is change. The Telecom Act of 1996 changed so much, for me…and you. Most of the people I speak with these days don’t listen to the radio, and that is unfortunate for radio, but not for all of the incredible audio programming that we have available. If there was no Telecommunications Act of 1996, radio stations would probably still be in the hands of individual owners instead of the 10 groups that almost every American radio station. When I was a teenager, growing up in the Valley. I listened to KLOS, KMET, KNAC and KROQ. Play a song for me and I can tell you about how old I was and what I was doing when it was popular. KMET and KLOS created a love for Guns & Roses, Motley Crue, Giant, Scorpions and Van Halen, KNAC sharpened the rock edge with Metallica, Ozzy, Anthrax and Megadeth. Then KROQ, my beloved KROQ. The Smiths, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Roxy Music, The Nails who by the way introduced me to the name , Kamala, “who couldn’t sing but kept the beat and kept it strong.” 88 Lines About 44 Women, check it out. The point is, independent radio groups kept things fresh and interesting. They introduced me to new artists to fall in love with. Radio today is a shadow of its former self. The artists you hear today aren’t broken by radio but through individuals on social media. I compare this to the design industry because there is a very similar pattern being established. There was a time for those of us who loved design and architecture, a time when if you wanted to see what designers were making a splash, you turned to the trade publications. The magazines who provided beautiful glossy images, contributors who were actually journalists, writers who could craft a story and explain the language of architecture and design. Those days too have sailed by because most of us don’t subscribe to magazines anymore. That makes me sad because I still love magazines. They just don’t love me back. And I know there are some of you listening who still subscribe to and read magazines, but you are in the minority and at some point, this too will cease. Case in point. If you like music, and who doesn’t, when was the last time you bought an album? Not a song, an entire record? Fine, CD, digital download or actual vinyl, the whole record? Swifties, no need to email me, you’re different, I get it. This comparison makes for an interesting comparison between musicians and designers & architects. both produce new work that is reflective of broader societal issues. If radio was still the boss, you would not get exposure to new artists except those the industry wanted you to hear. Same goes for designers. To be frank with you, if radio were still the boss, podcasts would all be controlled by the existing radio groups. And, if the shelter trade publications were still as popular as they once were, Convo By Design would probably never have happened. So, in a strange way, I’m grateful for that too. 

I mention this because as you are listening to this episode of the show, we recently completed the 2024 installment of the WestEdge Design Fair, a show I have been associated with since 2015. I have produced the programming o the main stage since 2017 and this year brought new voices along with well recognized creatives in design and architecture. Along with the new and established voices, we are talking about relevant issues that are affecting everyone in the shelter space, residential, commercial, design, architecture, manufacturing specifying, everyone and all of it. Concepts like; What’s Next which addresses what many can expect in 2025 with respect to politics, workforce, shipping, receiving, tariffs and other cost issues. Offline Vs. Reconnected, a conversation about the value, health  and emotional benefits of cutting cords in the design itself, why and how for best effect. Authenticity Vs. Dupes, cancel culture taught us that there are ramifications for bad actions and bad actors yet theft, specifically idea theft, creative theft goes unpunished, or has thus-far. But that’s changing, those with sticky fingers beware. Vengance is coming. Have heard about the kerfuffle between the Donals Judd Foundation  and Kim Kardashian and Clements Design. This is a huge deal concerning trade dress, intellectual property and trademark infringement. A big deal and not the only issue out there. How about Gifford V. Sheil. Another high profile copyright and trade dress infringement as it relates to content and social media. This one is really interesting. It revolves around …

We are covering a number of new ideas that warrant exploration. If you were not able to join us this year, fear not, every panel has been recorded as it has since 2018 and you will be able to listen in beginning in January with a limited series called WestEdge Wednesday where you will hear one of the 2024 conversations. I want to share something else pretty special with you. Something that will make your heart sing if you love extraordinary design talent, right after this.

2024 brought the inaugural year of the Convo By Design Icon Registry, a hall of fame showcasing some of the most extraordinary guests since the show started in 2013. The icons of 2024 include; Bunny Williams, Cara Woodhouse, Jean Brownhill, Alex Papachristidis, Susan Ferrier, Dakota Jackson, Brigett Romanek, Tim Corrigan, Kyle Bunting, Brian Pinkett, Jamie Bush, and I’m spilling the tea a bit, but December’s addition will be the Brownstone Boys. You will hear that episode in a few weeks. Third Thursday of every month will be the induction of a new icon. This is a hall of fame, not a massive click-bait list of dozens of creatives, these individuals have been selected for a few reasons that include their appearance on the show, their body of work, a willingness to give back to the industry and the manner in which they created their design business. All of these individuals have left an indelible mark on the world, leaving it better than they found it. Make sure you are listening to the 2025 class inductions, there are some very special people. Each icon, in addition to their induction episode, will be receiving a custom made and hand turned piece from JMC Studio. You can see what those look like on Instagram @convoXdesign, with an “x”. Final thoughts, right after this.

2025 is going to be an exceptional year, I can feel it. Been vibing with the universe and I can feel everything beginning to align. It feels different because, as I stated at the beginning of this episode, there are external forces at work that have made and continue to make life more complicated that it once was. I think that designers are futurists who make life better through their architecture and design. That talent is what will be addressing the climate change issues, costs of goods, specification and lifestyle. We adapt, we evolve, we change in response to the external forces that affect the manner in which we live, love and exist. I’m excited about the year to come and that joy comes form an appreciation for what is and acceptance of what was. That’s gratitude. I’m grateful and thankful for everyone who has come on the show this year, I’m thankful for my partner sponsors, TimberTech, ThermaSol, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales and Monogram. Please keep those guest suggestions and show ideas coming, convo by design at Outlook dot com and on instagram, @convoXDesign with an “X”.

Until next week, be well, take today first and Happy Thanksgiving. – Convo By Design

Love and Location. Making the Move and Leveling Up | 537 | Emily Baker Studio

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design. Do you like where you live? If you lived somewhere, anywhere else, how might that change you? How might that affect your work, your creativity?

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Emily Baker is a multi-disciplinary creative endeavors in photography, illustration and a wallpaper line. Emily moved with her family to Portugal. Hold on. Let this sink in for a moment. Moved with her family to Portugal. I focus on this because I think this is at the crux of life and creativity. It’s difficult to make a move across town, let alone to another state. But another country? I would argue that the fear of unknown issues, financial issues let alone the basic concerns around language and social issues would be paralyzing. But it’s also incredibly exciting. The constant rush of adrenaline from the most mundane of tasks can both wreak havoc on the central nervous system and release a flurry of new thoughts and ideas. I have always loved moving. But what is the direct correlation to creative breakthroughs moving to a new environment have on the work? On life? Your’e about to find out in this episode of Convo By Design featuring Emily Baker of Emily Baker Studio. We’ll be right back.

Thank you Emily. Loved this chat and appreciate the time. Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech. These are all fantastic partners with exceptional products and service to match. I have vetted these companies and I believe in them, and I think you should too. Check the show notes for direct links. Thank you for checking them out and specifying them on your next project. I also want to thank you for listening to the show and sharing Convo By Design with your friends, coworkers and colleagues who you think might enjoy it as well.

Please also keep the guest and show suggestions coming; convo by design at outlook dot com and on Instagram @convoxdesign, with an “x”. Until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

Old and New, A Design Story from an Emerging Design Destination, Kansas City | 521 | Kobel & Co.

I’m Josh Cooperman, this is Convo By Design and this week we are heading to another hotbed of design in the Midwest, Kansas City. We’re visiting with Mallory Robins and Elizabeth Bennett, partners in Kobel +Co, a firm that curates happiness and joy through interior design and creation of contemplative spaces.

We are discussing things like curated minimalism, happy places and timeworn objects. All revolving around the idea that design is the curated creation of the place where you want to be. Sounds so easy, right? Manufacturing the place where you want to be. It’s not easy. That is why I think you are going to enjoy listening to the following conversation with Mallory and Elizabeth as much as I did facilitating it. I also enjoy sharing the stories from the design flyovers for a number of reasons. First, for years you have heard me complaining that the traditional design media doesn’t provide any love to designers not residing in New York, LA, Miami, Boston, etc. but you are starting to. And that is a good thing. I also enjoy doing this because it gives me a chance to come and visit these cities to fully understand the dynamics behind the growth of metropolitan areas across the US. For those who have never been to Kansas City, it is a fun, funky town with some really interesting design. Perhaps after hearing from Elizabeth and Mallory, you will.  Trust me, it’s worth the visit. You are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

We are discussing things like curated minimalism, happy places and timeworn objects. All revolving around the idea that design is the curated creation of the place where you want to be. Sounds so easy, right? Manufacturing the place where you want to be. It’s not easy. That is why I think you are going to enjoy listening to the following conversation with Mallory and Elizabeth as much as I did facilitating it. I also enjoy sharing the stories from the design flyovers for a number of reasons. First, for years you have heard me complaining that the traditional design media doesn’t provide any love to designers not residing in New York, LA, Miami, Boston, etc. but you are starting to. And that is a good thing. I also enjoy doing this because it gives me a chance to come and visit these cities to fully understand the dynamics behind the growth of metropolitan areas across the US. For those who have never been to Kansas City, it is a fun, funky town with some really interesting design. Perhaps after hearing from Elizabeth and Mallory, you will.  Trust me, it’s worth the visit. You are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you, Elizabeth and Mallory, love your city, love your work. . I enjoyed our conversation and I am so appreciative to you for taking the time to share. Thank you to my partner sponsors, ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware. These partners are amazing companies all who have made a concerted effort to support the design community through education, incentives, events, media and exposure, not to mention a collection of extraordinary products and service to match. Check the show notes for links to each of them so you can see first hand how they can make your design business thrive and your projects exceed expectations. Thank you for listening, downloading, subscribing and sharing the show with your friends and colleagues. Thank you for your emails, show and guest suggestions. Please keep them coming, convobydesign at Outlook dot com and on Instagram @ConvXdesign, with an “x”.  Until the next episode, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design

Drinking About Design | 517 | Patrick Ediger and the Essence of SoCal Design and Architecture

Hey, this is another special episode of Convo By Design, a Friday show which can only mean one thing. It’s another edition of  Drinking About Design. Patrick Ediger and I share thoughts about our love for Los Angeles architecture over a few pops.  We talk about nostalgia for the unique architectural landmarks of Los Angeles, such as Norms and the La Coliseum.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Architecture and Design in the Age of Social Media

Discussing Mid-Century Modernism and Googie Architecture

Los Angeles Traffic, Nostalgia, and Architecture

Speaking of  Googies and Resurgence of Experimentation

Exploring Frank Lloyd Wright’s Architecture and Human Ego

Architecture, Nostalgia, and Revitalization Discussion

You listen to the show so you know this about me, I love LA. But it’s not the LA of my youth and I’m not crazy about what has become of my City of Angels. That said, I still have faith. Faith in the creatives to reimagine her to reclaim her former glory. An I will be there to share the stories of that reinvention. That’s my hope. And it starts now…


Thank you Patrick. Loved our chat. Thank you for drinking and talking about architecture and design. We need to do this again soon. Thank you to my partner sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech. They support this show because they have a passion for the design industry. They each have remarkable companies built to serve and my hope is that you will give them a chance to earn your business. Check the show notes for links. And, I have personally vetted each of them so if you have questions, ask me, email me convobydesign at Outlook dot com or @ Convo X Design with an “X”. Thank again for taking the time to listen and subscribe. Cheers. -CXD

Erin Ellwood | 515 | Fame, Architecture, Design and That Which is Truly Important

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation about fame, design, architecture and that which is truly important. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

I sought out Erin after learning about her father, Craig Ellwood, architect behind the Zimmerman House. Said house was recently demolished at the hands of actor, Chris Pratt and his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger. We’ve talked about this already in a previous episode and the following conversation isn’t about saving iconic design. We touch on the subject but this is really about Erin’s journey, of which her father’s architecture is a large part. As is the work of her mother, Gloria Henry. An actress with an incredible career spanning from 1947 through appearances on Parks and Recreation as recently as 2012. Which featured, yep… Chris Pratt, so it all comes full circle. Erin’s story is an amazing journey of self discovery and expression. Lessons learned and applied. And you are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you, Erin. Thank you for the time and sharing your extraordinary journey. If you are a bit surprised that Erin is not mad about the Zimmerman House destruction, I was too. That is until I heard her rationale, then I understood.  Thank you to my amazing partner sponsors, ThermaSol, Design Hardware, TimberTech, pacific Sales and Monogram. Your support for the design industry is strong and lasting. For that I thank you. And thank you for taking the time out of your busy day. Thank you for listening, downloading and sharing the show. And for your emails to convo by design at outlook dot com and following along on IG @convoXdesign, with an “X”.

I’m looking forward to next week and another story about sublime design. Until then, be well, and take today first. -CXD

The 2024 Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts | 511 | Perspectives: One of America’s Favorite Design Happenings

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a return to one of my favorite design house destinations, the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts. Pasadena Showcase is an institution going on 60 years with a reputation for exquisite design, playful and fun ideas in fun and unexpected spaces and some of the best design talent around. Competing and collaborating to see who can be the showstopper but always for the betterment of the whole project.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

This was so much fun. I haven’t had the opportunity to reconnect with the organization since 2020. I remember heading out to Pasadena and meeting with the designers outside by the pool instead of in their spaces. What a weird time. But this year, we gathered at Design Hardware in Los Angeles for a round table discussion about the project house this year. I was joined by:

Margaret Lalikian | Margaret Lalikian Design and Decor

Rachel Scheff | Rachel Scheff Design Studio

Rebecca Hansen | Rebecca J Hansen

Ashleigh Miranda | AYM Interiors

Shari Tipich |Shari Tipich Decorative Design & Artistry

Steven Cordrey | Cordrey Collection

If you’ve been listening for a while, you know how I feel about design houses and showcases. They are the equivalent to the auto show for gear heads. You get the chance to see what can be done with the right creative force and opportunity to showcase it without the usual boundaries of ownership. I am a fan of Pasadena because I am very familiar with them, I appreciate how they operate and I feel like the designers do as well. Again, this is a round table conversation and you are jumping right into the deep end of design house creations from the 2024 Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts. We’ll get to that, right after this.

What an amazing group! Loved this, hopefully you did as well. Thank you to all of the amazing creatives who shared of themselves and their work. Check the show notes to see their work and this remarkable house. Thank you to everyone at the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts for being so wonderful to work with! Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors, ThermaSol, Design Hardware, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Monogram for your partnership and support for the design trade. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to listen, download and share this show. It means the world to me. Thank you for your email guest submissions and show ideas. Thank you for following and interacting on Instagram. This support and engagement inspires me to work even harder to find amazing voices and stories behind design. Until next week, be well, and take today first. – CXD