Beautiful Books & Legendary Libraries are Must Haves in for A Well-Designed Home | 383 | Christy Shannon Smirl of Foxtail Books & Library Services

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation about books. It’s more than that, really. It’s about special books, the kind that connect with those who love to read but also love the idea behind holding the book as they do it. 

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

You can pop out the iPad, Nook or Kindle. Any digital device really and read material. It is an efficient delivery system and ubiquitous as none of us are ever really that far away from our mobile devices. But the idea of holding a book, reading the pages in anticipation of, not swiping but turning the page is an experience. Reading traditionally is a greater experience for many and that is where Christy Shannon Smirl comes in. She owns Foxtail Books & Library Services. They assist and consult their clients on building a unique library and the collection within that library to fill a void, a yearning really for an experience that only a library can provide. The services include curation, organization, appraisal, cataloguing and sourcing the right materials. It’s not jut about holding, touching and reading. It is an experience to match an escape into that thriller, comedy or  series of short stories. It’s the experiential nature of design. And you’ll meet Christy, right after this.

Thank you Christy. I appreciate the time and love what you do.  And thank YOU for listening to the podcast, subscribing to the show and for your emails. Its Summer in 2022 and travel is in full swing so you are going to be hearing episodes of the show from New York, Texas and LA events in the coming weeks and months. You are also going to be hearing episodes showcasing the work done on the 2022 Remote Design House – Tulsa. A project I am extremely proud of and really looking forward to sharing with you. Thanks again for taking part of your busy day to spend with me and the most wonderful designers in the world! Until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

A Guide for Navigating the Rapidly Changing Industry Climate and Business Coaching for the Design Community | 382 | Melissa Galt

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with interior design business coach, Melissa Galt. We are talking about the business of design and fame in the family. This one is fun and if you pay close attention, you will learn some strategies for upsizing profits of your design business.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

Seriously, Melissa Galt claims that her superpower is calling you on your BS, and she’ll do it. The fame in her family, as you’ll hear, gives her a unique perspective on the designers who must deal with big personalities. We’ll be right back with design business coach, Melissa Galt.

Thank you Melissa. I enjoyed our conversation and really appreciate the time.  And thank YOU for listening to the podcast, subscribing to the show and for your emails. Its Summer in 2022 and travel is in full swing so you are going to be hearing episodes of the show from New York, Texas and LA events in the coming weeks and months. You are also going to be hearing episodes showcasing the work done on the 2022 Remote Design House – Tulsa. A project I am extremely proud of and really looking forward to sharing with you. The first two episodes are coming featuring designers Gail Davis and John McClain. I think you’re going to LOVE this! Thanks again for taking part of your busy day to spend with me and the most wonderful designers in the world! Until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

The Post-Mortem on 1001 North Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills, CA | This is How (Not) to Preserve and Protect Significant Architecture

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with the second part of a conversation that aired on June 20th, 2022. It aired a day in advance of a Beverly Hills City Council meeting that was determining a Certificate of Ineligibility and ultimately, the future of this property located on one of the most famous residential streets in the world. And depending on which side of the issue you reside, it did or did not end well. 

I’m not going to rehash the issue because that has already been done. If interested, you can find the episode in the podcast feed or go to the show notes and click on the link to listen. This episode is pretty much the last chapter until I ultimately report back with what will be built after this Carleton Burgess designed house is torn down.

I’m also not going to relitigate this issue, it has already been done. Everything that needed to be said, was said in a marathon council meeting. I am going to play some excerpts of note but first, I want you to know that I see value on both sides of this issue. I believe in property owners rights. If you spend the money to buy something, and you follow the rules and you do it with transparency, you should have the right to do what you wish. At the same time, I believe in preservation because it is culturally important. If you look at Beverly Hills alone,  so many properties of note by legendary architects have been torn down and it’s not because there was not a buyer for the properties. To the contrary. Many of these stories are not known until the process for saving them makes the news and by then, it’s too late. Falcon Lair, PickFair, Garden of Allah, the Brown Derby. It’s not just Beverly Hills. But here’s the thing. Beverly Hills failed miserably in this case identifying, labeling and securing the architectural treasures within their city. City Council, with the exception of Mr. Mirisch seemed more interested in the minutia, meeting Mr. Baker and seeming just interested enough as to avoid any political blowback. A side note not related to the historical issue. Beverly Hills will be allowing the demolition of a 10,000 square foot home as the majority if not all building materials make their way to a landfill. The environmental impact of this is significant and again, is it In the best interest of the community? Is this a part of your Sustainability Plan?

1001 North Roxbury Drive is NOT a tear down and was not a property that someone would just buy for the dirt to rebuild a dream home. This property has been lovingly maintained, has a significant history in Hollywood lore.  Jack Benny, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez, supposedly Esther Williams swan that pool back in the day. The property has been published in shelter publications. In the process of trying to assure that this property was NOT listed as a significant property, well respected shelter publications and websites were deemed nothing more that shills for paid stories to promote those who did the work.

As we dig in a bit, you are going to hear segments from the City Council Meeting of June 21, 2022. You are going to hear segments from over 3 hours of testimony and debate. First, Mayor Bosse and City Planner Ryan Gohlich explain how this got here in the first place. As you listen, note that this only happened because the property was sold, and the new owners applied for a Certificate of Ineligibility to begin the process of (potentially) destroying this home. 

Benjamin Hanelin of Latham & Watkins now explains, in detail and masterfully lays the groundwork, a roadmap really, for obtaining a Certificate of Ineligibility. Before I play this for you, I think it is important for you to know, I don’t really care if this home is torn down or not because I don’t live in Beverly Hills, don’t drive by this home on my way to work or dropping the kids off at school,  don’t walk my dog by this home, don’t see it in any way and because of that, this doesn’t affect my life and so it does not materially affect me if this home is torn down, another erected, large gates installed, they want to revive the Sheik’s House, it doesn’t affect me personally. But it does affect the community of Beverly Hills and it directly affects those who live, work and visit. It is offensive though to hear the manipulation of facts, and minimization of significance, the tearing down of what Beverly Hills has deemed a Master Architect in their community for the sole purpose of stripping social, architectural and historical value of this home. 

Talk about exceptional, Benjamin Hanelin is an exceptional attorney. In just 13 minutes, he completely dismantled the City’s standards for what would qualify for preservation. I believe we will see this approach in the future.

Next up are the words of architect Mark Rios. Here is what he had to say. I think it’s disingenuous to tear down the work of another creative as it represents a golden era for Hollywood Regency, architecture and Beverly Hills in particular. That timeframe is when the legend of Beverly Hills was cemented, in large part to the stars and the star architects (and builders) crafting the structures. You simply cannot have an iconic example of architecture without an interior space and an exterior space, otherwise, it would be, simply a set.

Mark Rios is entitled to his opinion both professionally and personally. I also think that because he is such a talent, his work on the interiors and exteriors added to the significance and the cultural value of the property. If  that were included in the petition, should have added historical significance, not detracted from it. 

A piece written by Lambeth Hochwald for AD covering the Darius Rucker renovation of an 1803 home. The piece online shows 5 images and only one is of the exterior, very much the same issues pointed out by all looking to devalue 1001 North Roxbury, yet the point of the article is about the betterment of a historical property by what is done to it later in its life. Moving on.

If an iconic city like Beverly Hills wants to save their cultural treasures, if city government wants this on behalf of the community,  they have to realize a few things, and take some action which is infinitely more challenging.

  • If you leave this up to city staff, it will fail. Most, if no city staff of Beverly Hills live within the city limits of Beverly Hills is my guess, yes, this is an assumption. Staff earning government salaries are not living in $15, $20 million homes or paying $4,000 – $6,000 a month for rent. That means they simply interpret the rules as written and their interpretation is not that of a stakeholder but one of a bureaucratic entity. 
  • If you wait until a property is published, it will fail. Shelter publications don’t send out writers to find architecturally significant homes. They receive submissions from the likes of Mark Rios and his company’s communications team to plant a story idea, and in many cases, provide photography and storylines. No publication is going to just publish your most significant architectural properties on their own. To make that a criteria is really silly. As is the fame of the individuals who live there because is most cases, fame is subjective. Is it only stars of stage and screen, not industry? Will the Baker’s soon-to-be designed new home at 1001 North Roxbury be designated as architecturally significant because I have no doubt that the structure will be designed by an amazing and highly published architectural firm…and I am also sure that the interior design will add to the architecture, as it must. Perhaps Mr. Rios will be the designer of this project. This is purely speculation, but if so, or a firm like his with an internal communications team as skilled as his, they will get the story published. AND, further… Eric Baker is a titan of industry as the founder of StubHub. He and Dr. Baker have been well published now as the owners taking 1001 North Roxbury down. These are things you can’t do.

Here is what you CAN do Beverly Hills.

  • Establish a registry of every property built in Beverly Hills before 1970 (that is already the established date). Then, make a rule that no architecture can be considered until after it achieves a certain age. 1970 – 2022 is 52 years, make 50 years the number for consideration. What have you paid for consultants to debate the issue? Why don’t you spend the money on making it work. This is like spending money on security consultants to discuss ways to make something safer versus hiring a respected company to install a tried and tested security system. Other municipalities have tried and true methods for doing this. Did you reach out and ask anyone else? Cornell University for example offers a course in this. Why are you cobbling together your own system for this. If you do, you will fail, as you have thus far.
  • Cross tabulate that list of residences against the list of 150 Master Architects. Side note, for goodness sake Beverly Hills, Carleton Burgess lists his occupation as “Contractor” on his 1940 Census. Do a modicum of research. And, it doesn’t HAVE to be an architect…Add “builder, contractor” or “developer” to the criteria, then your rules would not be so easily circumnavigated. 
  • Clean up the verbiage. For the amount of time you spent discussing your views, you could have solved this by clarifying the issue itself. To say something is an exceptional, exemplary or otherwise flowery language only opens the issue up for endless debate and disagreement due to its subjectivity. Make it simple, “The property is architecturally consistent with other works of the Master Architect within the city of Beverly Hills.” This does a few things. As is the case with Wallace Neff, it eliminates an experimental project like his Bubble House in Pasadena from contributing to a situation where there might be an anomaly. It also limits the subjective nature of the work to that which resides within the city boundaries.  This also gives prospective buyers the confidence to know what it is they are getting into, or not.
  • Take an image of the home’s exterior and publish it yourselves on the city’s website. So everyone knows the property has been identified and registered. If it’s not on the City website, it doesn’t count. That way, nobody in the city can claim they didn’t know an iconic property was destined for the wrecking ball. 
  • Educate yourselves on what others are doing successfully and replicate their work. Simple.

The last word here is not going to be me, but Council Member John Mirisch. Here is the letter he sent me the day after the vote. For a copy, please check the show notes. Mr. Mirisch wrote:

When it comes to historic preservation, actions – not words – matter

By John Mirisch

Historic preservation in Beverly Hills is dead and we killed it.

Last night, at the behest of paid lobbyists and highly remunerated lawyers, the Beverly Hills City Council majority failed to protect one of the City’s most beautiful and iconic estates from the wrecking ball (I dissented).

Despite the false claims of paid consultants, the Carlton Burgess masterpiece at 1001 N. Roxbury Dr. has been a constant beacon of the elegance of Beverly Hills at the corner of Lexington Drive, the exterior largely unchanged for eight decades.

As was confirmed in testimony last night, the house has maintained its integrity; but sadly many individuals, including anti-preservationist interior designer Mark Ríos, who worked on an update of the interior design of the home, have not.

We are quite literally back to square one for historic preservation in Beverly Hills, when the definition of historic preservation Beverly Hills-style was – and once again is – taking a picture of a landmark building before tearing it down.

Those who actually wrote our ordinance explained in great detail that 1001 N. Roxbury indisputably met the ordinance’s criteria for the non-issuance of a “certificate of ineligibility” in the plain-language they themselves wrote.

It didn’t matter.

Listening to the tortured, warped rationalizations of people who should know better and who make a mockery of all of our “lying” eyes, represents government at its worst. Hiding behind paid staff, who constantly puts their elbows on the scale, and consciously choosing to believe the twisted angles of lawyers who would and do say anything for money is not a sign of civic courage; however, this behavior does expose how money has completely infiltrated and polluted our political system.

The pretense and attempts to gaslight the Community are infuriating and need to be called out.

If you don’t like historical architecture, just say so. If you think money trumps everything else, just be honest about it.

If you don’t respect our Community’s physical legacy, fess up.

But you can’t have it both ways. That’s not how it works. You can’t claim to care when your actions speak another truth. Gaslighting the Community only serves to divide us even more; it’s like spitting in the faces of and throwing salt in the wounds of those who truly do care.

Each time we lose a building like 1001 Roxbury, a mosaic piece that is so irreplaceable and so integral to the fabric of our Community, it’s like losing a piece of our collective soul, bit by bit.

It’s nothing short of heartbreaking for the Community, but at least there were many voices in the night who valiantly went on the record to say: “This is wrong. It’s can’t always be all ‘bout the money. Our Community matters.”

Many thanks to Craig Corman, Jill Collins, Linda and Jerry Bruckheimer, Alison Martino, Diane Keaton, and the scores of others who stood up last night to speak truth to power and truth to money. You get it. You give us hope that one day, perhaps, we will be able to value, respect, and honor our architectural legacy with more than crocodile tears, in a manner that actually means something.

Until then, RIP 1001 N. Roxbury.

RIP Community over cash.

RIP historic preservation in Beverly Hills.

The Pivot | 381 | Making the Moves That Positively Affect You, Your Design Career, Life and Wellbeing

Pivot – piv-ot /pivet/ verb – : a usually marked change especially : an adjustment or modification made (as to a product, service, or strategy) in order to adapt or improve

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation that touches issues on the minds of just about every working designer and architect today. We’re talking about the pivot.

You know, the pivot that we have all been forced to make. It’s different for everyone but as times and issues keep changing from minute to minute, we find ourselves looking for ways to change how we work to make the work change for us. Okay, follow me. The business of design has changed now that it takes 12 months to get that sofa and 18 months for some appliances. Everything has and continues to change and I wanted to hear how some in the business are addressing that change. So, for the next hour, you will be hearing from Terra McNutt with RI Studio in Dallas, Kristin with Kozy Kasa Design in Austin and Veronica Ferro with VF Interiors in Chicago. You are going to hear about three very different yet remarkably similar approaches to the business of design. Similar in that they all do what’s needed to get the job done in their unique and fabulous ways, yet they each go about it with a different approach and I think, I hope that you will be as fascinated by this as I am. This is The Pivot panel and we’ll get to it, but first, this. 

Thank you Kristin, Veronica and Terra. I am so grateful for you time. Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings, Franz Viegener and Moya Living for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. 

And, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast. I know you already know this, but… there are literally hundreds of past episodes of Convo By Design that you probably haven’t heard, especially if you are new to the show, so go check them out. Be well and take today first.

Designing Across America with Purpose, Precision and Intent | 380 | Marissa Stokes

Welcome back to Convo By Design, I’m Josh Cooperman and this week we are speaking with Marissa Stokes. We are talking about…C’mon, you know what we’re talking about.

I say that half-kidding. Like, yeah we’re talking about interior design, architecture, art and this amazing business of shelter and design. But really, every conversation that I have had, over 300 interviews, 200 panel conversations, hundreds of events, every single one of them are different because each creative is so unique. This week, our conversation with Marissa covers design across the US including projects in California, New York, Montana, New Orleans and South Florida. Marissa earned her BFA in Interior Design from Parsons School of Design and spent time working for Victoria Hagan and Jayne Design Studios before starting on her own design journey. 

Designer Resources 

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

We talk about the work and her journey. We also discuss the current state of design, the business of design and all that that entails. Marissa is a complete designer with artists touch for color and an engineers approach to furniture placement. Her use of space is elegant and efficient as is her approach to the business. You’ll hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you, Marissa, loved our chat. Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings, Franz Viegener and Moya Living for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. 

And, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast. I know you already know this, but… there are literally hundreds of past episodes of Convo By Design that you probably haven’t heard, especially if you are new to the show, so go check them out. Be well and take today first.

International Influences in Architecture | 379 | A Conversation about Style from South America to Southern California with Luis Murillo of LMD Architecture Studio

Hello creatives, If you’re new, welcome, if not, welcome back to Convo By Design. This journey of ours in search of amazing design, architecture, furnishings and art is in its 9th year now and I am so happy that you’re joining me for another episode.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

This week, I’m speaking with Luis Murillo of LMD Architecture Studio. This Bogota, Colombia born architect moved his family to Los Angeles in 1997 and opened his firm in 2010. Luis is the exemplifies the American Dream, or at least what the idea of the American Dream is supposed to represent. South American influence is nothing new to Southern California. It takes a special architect to not just understand space, time and place. But honor all three when you have both historical significance and arguable the world’s greatest canvas upon which to work. Luis respects the past and allows his upbringing in Columbia and love for space to guide his design regardless of style, traditional, mid-century or modern. The art takes first chair.

My hope is that by introducing you to new talent, it will influence your work. It will allow you to strive for greatness and perhaps think about your own work differently. This is architect, Luis Murillo.

Thank you, Luis. Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener and Moya Living for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. 

And, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast. I know you already know this, but… there are literally hundreds of past episodes of Convo By Design that you probably haven’t heard, especially if you are new to the show, so go check them out. Be well and take today first.

A Spring Back to the Pacific Design Center in 2015 | 377 | The Capitals of Style

Hello Creatives, If you’re new, welcome, if not, welcome back to Convo By Design. This journey of ours in search of amazing design, architecture, furnishings and art is in its 9th year now and I am so happy that you’re joining me for another episode. A special episode, a throw back if you will.

Every so often, I try to bring back past conversations so you can hear them again and this one is special. It was recorded live at the Pacific Design Center in 2015. It was called Capitals of Style and featured, Jane Hallworth, Ashley Hicks and Vincente Wolf. Moderated by Dan Rubenstein,  with a forward by Jeff Sampson, then VP of Marketing for the PDC and whom many of us in the SoCal design community miss dearly.

I wanted to republish this one because while travel has always been a top influencer of designers, travel is now so hot again it is time for both discovery and re-discovery. It’s time to recharge the batteries. It’s time to get out and while you’re at it, to go and see some world class design and architecture. Something tells me this conversation from 7 years ago holds as true today as it did then. Enjoy.

Thank you, Jane,Dan, Vincente and Ashley for participating in this conversation.Thank you to the Pacific Design Center for your many years of partnership and collavboration. Thank you Jeff for putting this panel together and casting it so masterfully. You are missed. Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener and Moya Living for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. 

And, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast. I know you already know this, but… there are literally hundreds of past episodes of Convo By Design that you probably haven’t heard, especially if you are new to the show, so go check them out.

The Lost Interview with Bernardo Puccio | 375 | Stories From LA’s Golden Age of Design

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation that should have aired on the podcast almost three years ago. I found this and I am really happy to share it with you, the incomparable Bernardo Puccio.

So, it’s tru, the following conversation was recently found on a drive in a my studio and this was recorded around October 2019. Bernardo Puccio has been in design for over a half century and has amazing stories to tell about the glory days of Hollywood, designing for his celebrity clientele or his activism with Elizabeth Taylor.

Thank you, Bernardo. I loved our time together. Your story is amazing. Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener and Moya Living for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. 

And, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast. I know you already know this, but… there are literally hundreds of past episodes of Convo By Design that you probably haven’t heard, especially if you are new to the show, so go check them out. 

Remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.

This is How Architecture, Historic Preservation and Product Design Comes Together | 374 | It Takes A Visionary Like David Khouri

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversation that spans architecture, historic preservation and product design with David Khouri of KGBL.

Let’s add the tag multi-disciplinary creative to this episode because that is what you are getting with David Khouri. A master’s degree in both Architecture and Historic Preservation from Columbia University, and then after years of travel and self-discovery, starts developing furniture. Now, Design Director at KGBL, where he has been creating for over 13 years. This conversation covers far more than just design, we talk about stunning American made furnishings that speak to the need for both unique product and domestic production. Modern furniture, and a story that begins by starting a company during one of the worst financial times in recent memory. 

Thank you, David. I appreciate the time and I am a huge fan of your work. The story is amazing. Thank you ThermaSol, Article, York Wallcoverings and Franz Viegener and Moya Living for your partnership and support. You are remarkable partners and amazing allies for the trade. And, thank you for listening, remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

The Collectors | 373 | A Deep Dive into Designing for Highly-Curated Collections and the Spaces that House Them for the People Who Love Them

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a conversations from WestEdge Design Fair, circa 2019 that I have been holding onto for a number of reason, not the least of which is that with everything that has been happening, talking about designing around collected things seemed off to me. But now, let’s get back to collecting, shall we…

Seriously, with the office/ classroom/ yoga studio and trying to make those things work, it seemed a little tone deaf to try and talk passionately about designing around collected things. But the time is right again to start thinking about these things again.Collections make us happy. And in 2019, as I was crafting panels for WestEdge in the Convo by Design Programming Lounge, here was the inspiration.

The Collectors: Collected Clutter Made Impeccably Designed Collections

Many if not most of us have gathered and keep “treasures.” These collections represent the curiosity and vitality of life adventures and are, at least we hope, to be incorporated into our living spaces. Today’s ensemble of creatives have achieved mastery incorporating treasures into the design of their clients’ dreams. Learn strategies that make for a smoother process when showcasing collections.

Moderated by: George Smart, Host of US Modernist Radio
Featuring: Kevin Isbell, Kevin Isbell Interiors; Laura Muller, Four Point Design Build;  Jules Wilson, Jules Wilson Design Studio

Designer Resources

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience

Article, great style is easy. It’s the best way to buy beautiful modern furniture

York Wallcoverings – Designed to inspire for over 125 years

Franz Viegener – Finely crafted sculptural faucets

Moya Living  Beautiful, durable powder coated kitchen, bath & outdoor kitchen cabinetry

Thank you George, Kevin, Laura and Jules. I loved this!

And, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast. I know you already know this, but… there are literally hundreds of past episodes of Convo By Design that you probably haven’t heard, especially if you are new to the show, so go check them out. 

Remember why you do what you do and that the business of design is about making better the lives of those we serve. Until next week. Be well and take today first.