WestEdge Wednesday | 569 | Is it Worth Saving: Iconic Architecture or an Old but Poor Representation

What makes an architectural work worth saving from the bulldozer? The architect? The style? The age? A famous past resident? How are preservation decisions made when historical considerations are in conflict with the rights of the current owner? What is the responsibility of the city and what municipal rules/regulations help address such discussions? Join this conversation with industry insiders as we explore preservation and progress.

All of these programs took place in the WestEdge Theater presented by Pacific Sales Kitchen & Home. The stage was designed by Julie Beuerlein of JKB Home Design.

As a busy professional designer, you know how important it is to find the right partnerships. Partnerships that allow you to specify the right products for every project. Professionals like you just don’t have time to waste. Let me tell you about one of my partnerships. Pacific Sales is here to serve you with expert, knowledgeable and non-commissioned professionals to help you specify the right product for all your projects. Non-commissioned. That means their only incentive is your satisfaction. Pacific Sales Kitchen & Home, a Best Buy Company has just that with over 60 years of service in Southern California. Pacific Sales is your destination for exploration, advice and inspiration. And here’s the cherry on top, access to exclusive Builder Trade Incentives from top brands like Monogram. Visit a Pacific Sales Showroom today to learn how you can unlock additional savings and benefits. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to work with the best of the best. Visit Pacific Sales Kitchen & Home today and elevate your projects to new heights!

Moderated by: Josh Cooperman | Convo By Design 

Featuring: Jaime Rummerfield | Jaime Rummerfield Interior Design, Chris Goddard | Goddard Design Group, Anthony Laney | Laney LA, Paul McClean | McClean Design, William Hefner | Studio William Hefner

Suitability and Creatively Vibing | 541 | Michelle Murphy of DemiRyan with A BOOKLOOK feat. Contemporary Living by Paul McClean

Suitability has been on my mind a lot lately. I was taking the pup for a walk the other day and as I passed a home in the neighborhood that was under major renovation, it got me thinking about the concept of design suitability. I have been thinking about it quite a bit actually. Design suitability could also be interpreted as creatively vibing. To be on the same creative plane, with an ability to communicate freely and effectively. Any designer or client who has experienced creatively vibing understands that the way things get done when people are sharing that headspace is, beyond compare. It’s a rarity.

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When I got back to the house, I found a package leaning against the front door. I don’t know about you but coming home to a package delivery still makes me giddy. It’s that same feeling when you are out to eat and come back from the restroom to find your food waiting for you. Love that. The package was a book, so we have a new BOOKLOOK for you featuring the new book called Contemporary Living  by Paul McClean of McClean Design. This book is a love letter to California and California living. This is an extraordinary book that opens with an essay about California living and the roots of residential design in the Golden State. You’ll hear abut some of California architecture pioneers like Koenig, Gehry and Neutra that leads you through an exploration of McCleans work perched in the Hills of Los Angeles. These modern masterworks demonstrate McCleans understanding and respect for the origins of California living, followed by concrete examples of how he deconstructs the core ideas and presents the concepts within completely original works. It’s a masterful understanding of how something works and possessing the talent and ability to take those ideas and reimagine them. 

That original idea of creatively vibing with others, the environment, and past works of long lost masters provides all the elements for something very special. Contemporary Living by Paul McClean guides you through a visual journey of the architecture, site placement, scale and material selection. Design books, when done right are treasures to those who love to look at the work. This one is special for those that not only want to see the work but to gather an understanding of the philosophical approach taken to the finished residence. Finding the right architect is critical to obtaining the right shelter space for each individual. That method of vibing creatively allows the design to emerge and adapt to the individual. I don’t think we talk enough about the people when it comes to design. This monograph makes sure to focus on elemental ideas like land, water, light, elevation, and the California ethos, which is inextricably connected to people who long for the California feel. If you love modern design and contemporary living that California feel, you should get this book. Published by Rizzoli and you can find a link in the show notes. Brilliant monograph, Paul. Well done.

Staying on the creative vibing theme for a bit longer, this episode of the podcast features a conversation with designer, Michelle Murphy of DemiRyan. One of the things that constantly troubles me is the idea that design is a universal concept. It’s not. Design is personal. The relationship between client and designer should be personal. That doesn’t mean you have to be besties, you don’t even have to like each other. Michelle and I talk about a number of things that point to this idea of suitability that can mean success or failure of the client-designer relationship. You are going to be hearing much more on this idea about suitability and vibing creatively. Starting with the following conversation with DemiRyan’s co-founder and principal designer, Michelle Murphy, right after this.

Thank you, Michelle. Loved our chat and appreciate the time. Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech. These are all fantastic partners with exceptional products and service to match. I have vetted these companies and I believe in them, and I think you should too. Check the show notes for direct links. Thank you for checking them out and specifying them on your next project. I also want to thank you for listening to the show and sharing Convo By Design with your friends, coworkers and colleagues who you think might enjoy it as well.

Please also keep the guest and show suggestions coming; convo by design at outlook dot com and on Instagram @convoxdesign, with an “x”. Until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

Paul McClean | 308 | A Master of Modern Architecture

This is Convo By Design with an architect that is single hardly redefining what is possible in modern residential architecture, this is Paul McClean…

Paul McClean is one of those rare individuals who knew what he wanted to do at a very young age. Rarer still is growing up to change that space into your vision of what it should be. McClean grew up in Ireland and made his way to Southern California by way of Sydney, Australia. His work uses clean lines, site-specific features that make the most of water features, and the given space available, sometimes more, sometimes less. Always distinct, you can see McClean’s fine lines woven through space and structure in the most seamless and unapologetically spectacular ways. McClean’s work is inspirational, aspirational, and if nothing else, makes you wonder, ‘what if’.

Thanks for downloading, streaming, and subscribing to this episode of the podcast. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so you don’t miss a single episode of the show, like this one with master architect, Paul McClean.

Thank you, Paul. Thank you Walker Zanger for your extraordinary partnership and thank you for listening. My goal is to bring you the stories behind sublime design wherever that may be. To share those stories, bring you business strategies to help you build a stronger firm and inspire you to do your most creative work.

For more, please follow us on Instagram @ConvoXDesign with an “X”, check us out at Convo By Design dot com. Until next week, be well and keep creating.