Exceptional Design And Knowledge From A Previous Career, Long Live the Pivot | 565 | Allison Handler of Allison Handler Design

The expectations many designers have don’t necessarily result once their careers begin. Often times, designers find their way into the business by starting in another field. And that makes for an interesting journey. I remember being in college and thinking about all of the things I wanted to do once I started my career. If you would have asked me during my time at Washington State University what I was going to be doing in 2025, this would not have been anywhere in the conversation. But I really cannot imagine myself doing anything else. And I’ve been doing this since 2013. Prior to that, I had a first career in radio and broadcast media. Funny how life works, isn’t it. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

I have a unique process of writing and prepping for the conversations you hear on the show. I have the types of conversations with creatives that I want to have with them. Meaning, I find your in discovering what makes designers, artists, makers, architects and creatives work. What drives them to do what they do and what inspires them to reach the high levels they have achieved. Many of the conversations you hear on the show start with, “so, what are we talking about today” or you simply hear my response to that question in a cold open. I don’t edit that out, nor do I edit the chats we have because I want you to hear the stream of consciousness. What you don’t know is the amount of prep I do for each conversation. As a matter of fact, the guests you hear don’t see that either. I decided to model this show on the conversations that I have at trade events. The individual interactions that take place that make the trade events so truly special. You cannot recreate the vibe, I know that. But, I want you to feel like you are in Vegas, LA or Paris at KBIS, WestEdge or Maison y Objet, with a cocktail in your hand and listening in on a conversation between two peers and know that what you are about to hear is going to enrich you in some special way. Perhaps its hearing how someone else built their practice. Maybe it’s what discovery led them to design the way they do or even how their previous career led them to where they are today. To inspire you to perhaps pivot, reorganize your firm or employ a new technique. Because that’s fun. It’s inspiring. It’s motivating. And who couldn’t use a little more of that. Well, I hope you can because that’s what your getting today as you listen in on my chat with New Jersey designer, Allison Handler of Allison Handler Design.

Thank you Allison, loved our chat and appreciate the time.

Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales, Monogram and Design Hardware. Amazing companies and great friends to the trade so please give them an opportunity for your next project. And, thank you for listening, subscribing the show and sharing with your colleagues. If not already subscribing, please consider that so you receive every new episode automatically to your podcast feed. Until next week, thank you for sharing this time together, until the next episode, be well, stay focused and now that it has arrived in earnest, try to rise above the chaos. – CXD

Leo Marmol, FAIA | 264 | Our February 2025 Convo By Design ICON Registry Inductee

You have been hearing the WestEdge Wednesday episodes since the beginning of the year and I do hope that you’re enjoying them. This months addition to the Convo By Design Icon Registry was heard on the WestEdge Wednesday series in 2024 following his appearance on a panel at the show in 2023. It is fascinating for me to have incredible creatives individually on the show and equally amazing to hear them in concert with other talented creatives. In 2023, Marmol was on the podcast as part of a panel that also featured Sara Malek Barney, Christine Vroom and was moderated by Frances Anderton. The panel was called All Roads Lead to SoCal: Long Live the Creative Experiment. It seems even more interesting now than in November of 2023, no?

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Leo’s participation in this panel was extraordinary. He is a remarkable creative who brings a level of skill and talent wherever he goes and shares it willingly. Marmol is the managing partner of Marmol Radziner and has been since the firm was founded in 1989. Leo earned his Bachelor of Architecture from Cal Poly SLO. He also earned a minor in Philosophy. Which I think speaks volumes. Philosophy, as a discipline seeks to create more questions than answers. And when you are dealing with the concept of existence and other fundamental issues, it can be a challenge to navigate. Just like architecture. I find the architecture/ Philosophy combo really interesting. Leo is a painter, a fisherman. He is also something of a raconteur and lucky you… You get to hear him in action as we induct him together into the Convo By Design Icon Registry for February 2025. Enjoy.

Congratulations Leo on your enshrinement into the Convo By Design Icon Registry and your extraordinary studio. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and sharing your story. Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales and Monogram for your dedication to making our industry better, faster, stronger! And thank you for listening to Convo By Design each week and sharing the show with your colleagues and friends who love sublime design. Until the next episode, be well, stay focused and rise above the chaos. -CXD

Liz Williams: Dynamic Design Through Historical Reference | 560 | Where What Was Meets Its Best Version

It feels like every week we are dealing with a new emergency. A new disaster. Is that true, I don’t know, probably not but it feels that way.What we don’t do often enough is review what led up to events and strategically discuss ways to alter behaviors to keep them from happening again. In many cases, it’s because you can’t keep a major catastrophe from occurring, but you can address your individual response to it to better prepare for the next time. Or, if you are a design professional, prepare your clients to better prepare for and whether the next one better than the first. That is why you still hear conversations about the pandemic. The lessons learned will be be long forgotten by many when the next one hits, and there will be a next one. Some of these ideas are so simple, and incorporated into the everyday work of extraordinary creatives, creatives like Liz Williams of Liz Williams Interiors.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Liz is from Atlanta, Georgia. She has a BA in history from The College of Charleston and a BFA in Interior Design from Georgia State University. Liz has developed a unique approach to the work and one she employs in her projects that allow her to draw on her love of history as well as modern techniques and strategies. This combination makes for a successful practice and one that allows her to learn from history, like a global pandemic and apply those lessons learned to making better the spaces she creates for the people who will use them. And you are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you Liz for taking the time to share your thoughts. 

Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sales, Monogram and Design Hardware. Amazing companies and great friends to the trade so please give them an opportunity for your next project. And, thank you for listening, subscribing the show and sharing with your colleagues. If not already subscribing, please consider that so you receive every new episode automatically to your podcast feed. Until next week, thank you for sharing this time together, until the next episode, be well, stay focused and rise above the chaos. – CXD

Music City Majesty with Debbie Mathews | 558 | A Master Class in Blending Antiques into Design and a Preamble About the Silly Season of Trend Predictions

Before we get to our featured conversation this week, I feel compelled to share my annual grievance with you. Again. What is this annual grievance you may ask. It is the endless and ridiculous list of “trends”that many love to create and share at the end of and into the beginning of every new year. Did you see them this year? They looked a lot like last years didn’t they?

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

They did. They always do. Now listen, I’m not trying to call anyone out. Embarrass anyone. And, while I am going to point out a few of the ones that caught my attention, and post links in the show notes so you can see them for yourself, I am going to say this again so you understand why I am so non-plussed by the annual barrage of opinions and predictions. It’s because they are based on no real data, only conjecture. Here are a few examples;

House Beautiful and their Design Trends of 2025 article dated 12.30.2024.  Some things you will see in 2025 include…

  • Kitchens Packed with Color
  • Sculptural Lighting
  • “Drenching”
  • Dramatic Drapery
  • Art Deco Era Antiques
  • Moody Hues
  • Cottage Core Gardens
  • Immersive Bathrooms

This all sounds fine, right? But keep in mind that what ends up happening is that clients who are new to this will now ask push designers for this because it came out in a well-respected magazine. The people who pick up on this are “influencers”, those with a large following and very little industry knowledge. Just to break this down a bit, “kitchens packed with color” sounds great until a skilled designer has to employ this strategy with a lifespan of 15-20 years. With a “color of the year”, promoted by 5-6 different companies, all with different ideas as to what that color of the year will be, this is not really feasible. And let’s all just remember for a moment that Avocado Green and harvest Gold owned the 1970’s and reviled in the 1980’s. But, for every season, am I right? There was even an article written in May of 2021by the BBC touting the return of Avocado Green to contemporary interiors. The interesting thing about this, the article I’m referencing was incredibly well written, sourced and delves deep into the science and theory of color choices. But the headline… “Why ‘avocado green’ is back for interiors” does imply that the color was back en vogue in 2021. I don’t think is was and if it did pop up here and there, not many are still touting it today. And if a client says to their designer that they are going all-in on this and buy Avocado Green appliances, cabinetry or tile, they will be living with it for quite some time. This idea of “drenching” seems completely misaligned with the very nature of interior design. From a vernacular stand point, “drenching” means to get something completely wet, yet color drenching is described as painting every surface in the same shade. Sooooo, monochromatic. Why not just say that? It’s funny really, monochromatic ideas have been in popular design styles for centuries and can be referenced back to the Greek word, monochromos, meaning, to have one color. While I have read articles that source the French word envelopper, or “to wrap” with the idea for color drenching. And yet, every year there are many who also tout the end of the white kitchen. But white kitchens also appear on many of the trends you will find for every coming year. The white kitchen is also a sort of “drenching”, is it not?

Just to put a finer point on this idea, in November, 2023, an article appeared in Vogue entitled, “2023’s Latest Interior Design Trend? Matchy-Matchy Rooms”. The article showcased a Kip’s Bay Dallas room designed by, Mark D. Sikes that featured a floor to ceiling blue and white checkered wallpaper in a style called, Vogue quotes unnamed designers as Mono-Print.

I believe that the prevalence of social media, that creating a value system where “influencers” gain status by the number of followers instead of by the level of their expertise has created an environment for ideas to be promoted not by their true design value but how ‘buzzy’ they can get and how many clicks they receive. That’s not how great design is created, nor enjoyed. 

If you want to talk about emerging trends, that’s great. But let’s make this less about ephemeral design looks and styles, and more about functional relevance. Here are some thought starters;

  • Integrated Technology, mixed-fuels and materials
  • Safe rooms/ Security
  • Purposeful Connectivity
  • Advanced Kitchen Design
  • Tech Focused/ Spa Inspired Bathrooms
  • Smartly Designed Outtdoors
  • Outside in / Biophlic Design, indoor grow rooms and healthy spaces

Why the rant? I’ve been shining a light on this very subject for a few years now because after having so many conversations with exceptional designers, it makes zero sense to me why media outlets would just speculate about what the developing trends are. And yes, I know that most contributors to the design pubs do cite designers regarding these trending ideas, because they are not in the context of a specific project with individual clients, it doesn’t make any sense, iit’s not really actionable and further confuses clients about how they can best communicate with their designer, assuming they are working with one or they are using this information to circumvent the need for a designer. Look back at each of these “trends” listed and tell me if you think any of them are new and compelling or just click-bait. That’s my rant, now, the great part of todays episode, a full conversation featuring, Debbie Mathews.

Debbie Mathews launched her design business in 2013, the same year I launched Convo By Design. It’s been a minute. Debbie is a Nashville based designer and watched the world move in around her as Nashville became a world class music, sports and entertainment destination. During that time, Debbie built her firm and focused on antiques, which she credits for adding a unique charm to her work. It’s in the layering and as you are going to hear, she really has mastered the process and by doing so, has created a truly unique look all her own. What is really interesting about Debbie and the following conversation is how it’s juxtaposed against my previous rant. As you listen to this episode, please check the show notes and click on Debbie’s portfolio as we go through some of her work. You will find many of the ideas espoused as upcoming trends when in reality, these ideas have been in Debbie’s work for many years. Trends? Please. You are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you Debbie, for your time and willingness to share your experience and craft.

Thank you to my incredible partner/ sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech for your support for the show and the industry as a whole. We are a stronger because of industry partners like you. And of course, thank you for listening to the podcast, subscribing to the show and sharing it with friends and colleagues. Please keep the show and guest suggestions coming, I do appreciate them and do my best to respond to every one.  Convo By Design @ Outlook dot com and on Instagram, convoXDesign, with an “X”.  Thanks again for listening. Happy New Year, make this the year you’ve been hoping it would be. Until the next episode, Stay focused and rise above the chaos.

The intersection of Art and Design feat Erika Cross | 556 | Looking at What is and Reimagining What’s Possible

It’s a challenge and I’m not going to pretend that it isn’t. Often times, I will be producing an episode of the show as there are unspeakable tragedies happening around the world and in my own backyard. As I produce this episode of the show, I am still in contact with many of my industry friends as well as family who have been directly impacted by the wildfires in and around the Los Angeles area. Thoughts and prayers just are not an acceptable response any more. And let’s be honest, that hasn’t been a suitable response for a very long time. As we get into our episode today with Erika Cross, I would love for a few things to happen. First, if this podcast can serve as a respite for those who are suffering, even if it’s only for a few minutes to think about something else and second, to provide an opportunity to think differently about what we know and what is possible. What do I mean by that?

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

I believe that we need to reimagine what we know if we want to change things for the better. I also believe that creatives are the ones who manifest it, create it and make those changes real for the rest of us. A while back, you heard an episode of the show discussing Venetian chimneys. These were crafted centuries ago by creative types who suffered the types of fires that demolished entire communities. Beautifully crafted chimneys that also served as spark arresters in the highly dense communities of Venice, Italy. Is art going to keep California from wildfires or floods, or landslides that follow fires and floods? No. But looking to creative types allows us to think differently about things which often puts us in the right mental space to address new ways to approach these challenges. It’s certainly not going to be the politicians. SO, for a few minutes, sit back, drive carefully, enjoy your workout or whatever you’re doing while you listen, do it safely and we’ll be right back with artist, Erika Cross.

Thank you, Erika. Loved our chat, love your work. Thank you to my incredible partner/ sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech for your support for the show and the industry as a whole. We are a stronger because of industry partners like you. And of course, thank you for listening to the podcast, subscribing to the show and sharing it with friends and colleagues. Please keep the show and guest suggestions coming, I do appreciate them and do my best to respond to every one.  Convo By Design @ Outlook dot com and on Instagram, convoXDesign, with an “X”.  Thanks again for listening. Happy New Year, make this the year you’ve been hoping it would be. Until the next episode, Stay focused and rise above the chaos.

How Exceptional Design is Like Long Distance Running or Any Great Achievement | 551 | Holly Hollenbeck

Over the years, I have spoken with many clients who really don’t understand the process behind design. I think there are many beginner and mid-level designers that don’t fully understand process, means and methods. If a client wants their projects completed quickly, they can always find a designer who will do it for them. It’s their replacement who has to pick up the pieces. I can hear many of you nodding in agreement as I say this. It’s the journey, like that of a runner. You don’t decide to run a marathon, buy a pair of shoes and run it. There is a process. A very long and challenging process. The same is true when trying to become the best at what you do in any endeavor. Just like design.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Today, you are going to hear from Holly Hollenbeck. Holly and I discussed the parallels between long-distance running and project management. Holly, an experienced ultra-distance runner, shared her lessons learned from participating in challenging races, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning, determination, and experience. She also highlighted how these experiences have influenced her approach to project strategy and risk management. 

Holly shares some of the challenges she faced in her design and client management roles due to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic fluctuations. She emphasized the importance of clear communication with clients, setting expectations upfront, and being flexible to pivot when necessary. We also discussed the differences in real estate design and mentality between the United States, Europe, and Asia, with a focus on the concept of the ancestral home and the shift towards renovating existing homes rather than moving due to high housing costs. There is an overwhelming need to adapt to constantly changing market conditions and client needs.

Holly shares her experience of having her kitchen design featured on the cover of California Home and Design in 2007, which she attributed to serendipity and connections with friends. Holly and I discussed the pitfalls of designing homes based on current trends, emphasizing the importance of creating cohesive, functional spaces rather than focusing on individual, trendy elements. They highlighted the risk of a design becoming outdated and the need to balance trendy elements with timeless pieces. Holly shared her approach to navigating clients’ desires for trendy features by ensuring these elements are used in unique and personalized ways. And you are going to hear all about it, right after this.

Thank you Holly, loved our chat. Keep on truckin.

Thank you to my incredible partner/ sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech for your support for the show and the industry as a whole. We are a stronger because of industry partners like you. And of course, thank you for listening to the podcast, subscribing to the show and sharing it with friends and colleagues. Please keep the show and guest suggestions coming, I do appreciate them and do my best to respond to every one.  Convo By Design @ Outlook dot com and on Instagram, convoXDesign, with an “X”.  Thanks again for listening. Happy New Year, make this the year you’ve been hoping it would be. Until the next episode, Stay focused and above the chaos.

Happy Holidays | 548 | A Message of Reflection & Optimism

Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah. I hope 2024 was the best year ever for you and yours but pales in comparison to 2025. This was an interesting year, one of challenges for the design industry. But more importantly to me, because so many of the people behind design, my friends, family, people I care about, it’s even more important than ever to simply remind you that this was a good year and I know a lot of you are worried, concerned about what 2025 will bring for a number of reasons. Political, social and economic. I am a realistic optimist and I think we are headed into a fantastic year.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Two parts to that. A realist and an optimist. Those two ideas are not always compatible. There are going to be issues to overcome over the next few years, there is no doubt about that. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t only survive, but thrive. Chaos and challenging times are when designers and architects thrive most, why? Because uncomfortable times create a need for better spaces. Think about it. Post Great Depression architecture included Art Moderne, PWA Moderne, WPA Rustic through the U.S. New Deal and this was a time for Modernism to thrive creating a whole new design industry. WWII created the Mid-Century Modern movement and mew approaches to living. The Atomic Age ushered in a new approach to personal safety through residential bomb shelters. new products and materials. A new approach to power consumption with a focus on electrification and modern technologies within the home. It’s almost as if the greater the chaos, the greater the opportunity for those who craft , design and create safe spaces. Think about that.

Changes to the design industry are coming:

AI – We’ve been talking about artificial intelligence on the show since late 2022. It’s no longer coming. It’s here. And to those with whom I have spoken asking if they are going to lose their job to AI, I will tell you what I tell them. Probably not. AI can’t do your job. You’re going to lose you jobs to the designer who knows how to use AI. It’s not about prompts, high capacity CPU’s or the ideation a computer can do that you can’t. It’s the tasks and roles AI can play within your design firm that will make all the difference. If you are still bound by past methods of doing the work, better educated designers will have more time to pursue projects, deliver proposals and create faster project completions. It’s not just talent anymore, but the speed at which you can deliver on each milestone of the project. We all need to be lifelong learners and increase the speed at which we work. That, and using AI to stay on top of the new ideas your clients will be asking for.

Dupes – The moment something unique is created, someone is working on ways to steal the idea. It sucks, but that’s the way it is. There is a break between budgetary constraints and creating a uniquely special space. Remember a few years ago, during the pandemic when storytelling was what clients wanted. Designers were perfectly suited to deliver on that. Now, clients want the economic pain to stop and shrinking budgets have led to a proliferation of dupes. It’s still not okay. Be original and clients will follow. Dupes are not the same as they original. While they may look similar, there is a reason why they are cheaper than the original and it usually has to do with the materials you don’t see but will certainly feel.

Originality and Authenticity – A strong design firm is such because they produce concepts that are unique. Fads and trends come and go, but originality is always in style. Originality comes in many forms and the reason the U.S. design and architecture community is so strong is due to that embrace of uniqueness and desire for authentic designs in residential, commercial, hospitality, education and industrial spaces. The killer of creativity, personal opinion, has been social medias affect on the creative endeavors. We have entered into a copy culture when everyone seems to be racing to come in second. Let someone else take the shots for being first and then come in behind them with a modified version of the same thing. Social media created that and it sucks the originality out of any creative endeavor. Let 2025 be the year of experimental design, original thought and a sense of aspirational ideals. I don’t just direct this at the designers, shelter media needs to do better. This obsession with celebrity and celebrity designer is slowly choking the joy out of our industry. I cannot tell you how many publicists I have spoken to who tell me that they are having trouble getting coverage for their clients who are doing amazing work for non-celebs. I think the trade pubs have it hard, I really do. They lost a ton of subs during the pandemic. Many have fired or laid off the majority of their contributors, many released the higher priced (quality) contributors for less experienced writers and paper/ distribution costs have increased. I get it. But you simply can’t expect to charge more for an inferior product at a time when everyone is paying more for everything. But, you can charge more for a better product! That is what designers do and what the trade pubs should do as well.

Stronger Together – That’s all on this subject. We are stronger together. If we strengthen our industry bonds, we can do better work in a more collaborative environment. Increase your industry relationships. Like these…

Yes, these are partner sponsors of mine and I am incredibly proud to be working with ThermaSol, Design Hardware, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Monogram. These partnerships are so important for so many reasons. I can tell you that I have done my research on each and I am proud to be working with them. If you want to know why aside from what you hear on the show, email me and I will share my experiences with each.

2025 is going to be a chaotic year, that is how it’s shaping up. But that can be great news for our industry, and I believe it will be. My mission is to bring you the latest in remarkable stories about wonderful creatives. To share the latest industry news and happenings either from there or speaking with those experiencing it first hand. You will also be hearing from a new slate of Convo By Design Icon Registry Inductees and the limited WestEdge Wednesday panel series starting in January with all of the panels and programs from the show’s main stage in their entirety.

As we reflect on 2024, take some time to enjoy a breather with family and friends. That is what is truly important. There are some additional happenings for me and Convo By Design next year. We will surpass episode 600 in 2025, I will be speaking at KBIS, and Convo By Design will be opening a boutique, multi-line rep firm giving designers an opportunity to engage directly with select brands and unique products to specify for their truly special projects.

It all comes down to being thankful, optimistic and curious. I’m thankful for you. Listening to the show and sharing it with your friends, family and colleagues. I’m thankful for my partner sponsors ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware. Optimistic about the year to come and experiencing it first hand, in real time. Curious and on the endless pursuit for the stories, brands and products behind sublime design. Please keep those show and guest suggestion emails coming, Convo By Design at Outlook dot com and on Instagram @ConvoXDesign with an “X”. Until next year, be well and take today first. -CXD

Convo By Design Icon Registry Induction | 544 | Meet the Induction Class of 2024

This episode is a special one dedicated to the 2024 Convo By Design Icon Registry inductees. This inaugural class of inductees features a diverse group of extraordinary creatives. If you have been listening to the special episodes that air the third Thursday of each month, you’ve heard just what makes these people so extraordinary at what they do. This was the first year of the program and it is scheduled to run well into the future. 

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

This idea for a Hall of Fame was conceived quite some time ago, but I struggled with a touch of imposter syndrome. I thought, who am I to bestow an honor like this on these people. The best in the business today and then a few things happened. The first was the 10-year anniversary party which was held in May of 2023. I was surrounded by so many friends, previous guests of the show, industry partners, all who listen to the show on a weekly basis and I heard stories about how these conversations have helped them in their careers, especially through the pandemic and now, when it feels like life has become a series of crisis management events, one after another. To showcase those who have figured it out and sharing how they did it, then celebrating their accomplishments. It just felt like a good time to start this project. This is not a list by which I expect anything in return. There is no ask for promotion or social media shares. This is just my way of celebrating these folks. But, there are criteria. These individuals have all been on the show, they are extraordinary at what they do by any and all standards and finally, the make our industry better, better than they found it. That is a big one, you will find that each of these amazing creatives have produced exceptional work, many do, but not all give back. Everyone here has, in exceptional ways. And you’re going to hear a bit from each. By the way, the entire episodes are available and you can check the links in the show notes to listen to each on. We’re going to get to that, right after this.

2024 Convo By Design Icon Registry Inductees:

January – Bunny Williams.

February – Cara Woodhouse.

March – Jean Brownhill.

April – Alex Papachristidis.

May – Susan Ferrier.

June – Dakota Jackson.

July – Brigette Romanek.

August – Jaime Bush

September – Timothy Corrigan.

October – Kyle Bunting.

November – Brian Pinkett.

December – Brownstone Boys.

What a great look back and these incredible people. I’m grateful and thankful that they all took the time to share their gifts, here, with us. Each inductee will be receiving, in addition to my eternal gratitude, a hand turned piece to commemorate their induction. Crafted by yours truly through JMC Studio. They have all been fabricated from local materials here in Tulsa, including wood from an old white oak that fell during the derecho in 2023. Thank you again to each for your contributions to our industry and the clients you serve. Thank you to my partner sponsors for your continued support, ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, Monogram, TimberTech and Design Hardware. Amazing companies who are dedicated to the success of the specifiers who craft and construct some of the worlds greatest structures. And thank you for listening to the show, downloading episodes and sharing them with your colleagues, friends and clients. Please keep those emails coming with show and guest suggestions. Until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD

Drinking About Design | 543 | Argentina’s Architectural Impact and Venetian Chimney’s with Glenda Flaim and Federico Engel of Butler Armsden Architects

I just thought since this is the Friday after Thanksgiving, almost everyone is home, eating, drinking and enjoying time with family, I would give you an opportunity to slip away for an hour or so for some alone time. You’re welcome. This is another installment of Drinking About Design. This episode features Butler Armsden leadership team or Glenda Flaim and Federico Engel. We are talking about some really obscure topics, drinking while we do it and I hope you enjoy it.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Fernando Engel is sharing stories about his homeland, Argentina, as well as the Capanopolis, and Francisco Salamone and Glenda will be sharing her thoughts on Venetian Chimneys. Never heard of Venetian chimneys? Well it’s a story on invention. As the proverb goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” And that perfectly describes Venetian chimneys. Think about fire suppression in overcrowded cities, adding ornate design. Cool right, now date them back to the 13th century. Ideas in technological spark arresting and fire suppression. We’re going to get right to this. Special thanks to Glenda and Federico from Butler Armsden for joining me and for my incredible partner sponsors; Pacific Sales, ThermaSol, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware for making it possible and allowing me to share these stories with you. With that, I give you another installation of Drinking About Design.

That was so much fun. Thank you Federico and Glenda, so appreciate the storytelling and the time. Thank you to my partner sponsors ThermaSol, TimberTech, Pacific Sale, Monogram and Design Hardware for your continued support and thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to join me for these conversations. This was a fun one, right? There are more episodes of Drinking About Design in 2025 so subscribe to the podcast and get every episode, brand new, right to your feed. Until next week. Happy Thanksgiving, Be well, and take today first. -CXD

Suitability and Creatively Vibing | 541 | Michelle Murphy of DemiRyan with A BOOKLOOK feat. Contemporary Living by Paul McClean

Suitability has been on my mind a lot lately. I was taking the pup for a walk the other day and as I passed a home in the neighborhood that was under major renovation, it got me thinking about the concept of design suitability. I have been thinking about it quite a bit actually. Design suitability could also be interpreted as creatively vibing. To be on the same creative plane, with an ability to communicate freely and effectively. Any designer or client who has experienced creatively vibing understands that the way things get done when people are sharing that headspace is, beyond compare. It’s a rarity.

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Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

When I got back to the house, I found a package leaning against the front door. I don’t know about you but coming home to a package delivery still makes me giddy. It’s that same feeling when you are out to eat and come back from the restroom to find your food waiting for you. Love that. The package was a book, so we have a new BOOKLOOK for you featuring the new book called Contemporary Living  by Paul McClean of McClean Design. This book is a love letter to California and California living. This is an extraordinary book that opens with an essay about California living and the roots of residential design in the Golden State. You’ll hear abut some of California architecture pioneers like Koenig, Gehry and Neutra that leads you through an exploration of McCleans work perched in the Hills of Los Angeles. These modern masterworks demonstrate McCleans understanding and respect for the origins of California living, followed by concrete examples of how he deconstructs the core ideas and presents the concepts within completely original works. It’s a masterful understanding of how something works and possessing the talent and ability to take those ideas and reimagine them. 

That original idea of creatively vibing with others, the environment, and past works of long lost masters provides all the elements for something very special. Contemporary Living by Paul McClean guides you through a visual journey of the architecture, site placement, scale and material selection. Design books, when done right are treasures to those who love to look at the work. This one is special for those that not only want to see the work but to gather an understanding of the philosophical approach taken to the finished residence. Finding the right architect is critical to obtaining the right shelter space for each individual. That method of vibing creatively allows the design to emerge and adapt to the individual. I don’t think we talk enough about the people when it comes to design. This monograph makes sure to focus on elemental ideas like land, water, light, elevation, and the California ethos, which is inextricably connected to people who long for the California feel. If you love modern design and contemporary living that California feel, you should get this book. Published by Rizzoli and you can find a link in the show notes. Brilliant monograph, Paul. Well done.

Staying on the creative vibing theme for a bit longer, this episode of the podcast features a conversation with designer, Michelle Murphy of DemiRyan. One of the things that constantly troubles me is the idea that design is a universal concept. It’s not. Design is personal. The relationship between client and designer should be personal. That doesn’t mean you have to be besties, you don’t even have to like each other. Michelle and I talk about a number of things that point to this idea of suitability that can mean success or failure of the client-designer relationship. You are going to be hearing much more on this idea about suitability and vibing creatively. Starting with the following conversation with DemiRyan’s co-founder and principal designer, Michelle Murphy, right after this.

Thank you, Michelle. Loved our chat and appreciate the time. Thank you to my incredible partner sponsors; ThermaSol, Design Hardware, Pacific Sales, Monogram and TimberTech. These are all fantastic partners with exceptional products and service to match. I have vetted these companies and I believe in them, and I think you should too. Check the show notes for direct links. Thank you for checking them out and specifying them on your next project. I also want to thank you for listening to the show and sharing Convo By Design with your friends, coworkers and colleagues who you think might enjoy it as well.

Please also keep the guest and show suggestions coming; convo by design at outlook dot com and on Instagram @convoxdesign, with an “x”. Until next week, be well and take today first. -CXD