Taking A Fresh Look at Design and Honoring Family Roots | 523 | Gabriela Eisenhart of Silo Studios

I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with a fresh take on design from the ATL, Atlanta, Georgia. This is a city making a huge impact on design due in large part to designers like Gabriela Eisenhart, founder of Silo Studios.

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TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Gabriela shared her background in video production and its influence on her approach to her current work. Gabriela confirmed that her strong visual narrative in her work stems from her intuitive understanding of how a space should make people feel and her background in production. We also discussed the intricacies of the design process, emphasizing the importance of problem-solving and flexibility. Gabriela highlighted the delicate balance between respecting the architecture of a space and the lifestyle of their clients, while also creating functional and durable designs. Gabriela shared the importance of visual storytelling in her work and the need to maintain a balance between imagination and attention to detail in their presentations and designs. 

Visual storytelling and the narrative surrounding the lives and interests of the clients themselves is what remains one of the greatest opportunities in the design industry. The storytelling within the work itself is what makes design so impactful on those who reside in the spaces. For years, i have been speaking with set decorators on some of the most impactful TV and film production and a constant through-line within those conversations is the importance of storytelling derived from the words on a script and a set decorators ability to transfer the essence of a character into the design of the set to adequately reflect who that character is and why they are that way. This is very much the same in interior design except instead of taking words from a page, insightful designers listen to the clients with whom they’re speaking to get to the true essences of who they are and to craft  a design concept around that client and their friends, family, work, hobbies fur-babies. 

Some of the best and most insightful creatives with whom I have spoken all share this ability to ask insightful questions, really listen to the responses and then read between the lines to capture the characters of their clients. Then to intuitively, instinctively craft spaces that further the narrative to the point where, and I have experienced this firsthand, a client will walk into a completed space and feel as though they have either been there before or, more commonly, feel a sense of comfort as if the space was created specifically for them. Because it was. This is connectivity at a deeper level. 

These are topics with a huge impact on design today. I think in large part because we are talking about the impactful design emanating from a city like Atlanta and not just projects in the usual locales like New York, LA and Miami. Atlanta is a hotbed for groundbreaking design, because of designers like Gabriela and firms like Silo Studios. And you are going to hear from Gabriela, right after this.

Thank you Gabriela. Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I enjoyed our conversation and cannot wait to see what you do next. Thank you to my partner sponsors, ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware. These partners are amazing companies all who have made a concerted effort to support the design community through education, incentives, events, media and exposure, not to mention a collection of extraordinary products and service to match. Check the show notes for links to each of them so you can see first hand how they can make your design business thrive and your projects exceed expectations. Thank you for listening, downloading, subscribing and sharing the show with your friends and colleagues. Thank you for your emails, show and guest suggestions. Please keep them coming, convobydesign at Outlook dot com and on Instagram @ConvoXdesign, with an “x”.  Until the next episode, be well and take today first. -Convo By Design